New-CMScCompliancePolicy New-CMSchedule New-CMScript New-CMSecondarySite New-CMSecurityScope New-CMSettingDeployment New-CMSiteSystemServer New-CMSoftwareCenterTabItem New-CMSoftwareMeteringRule New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoPhasedDeployment New-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment New-...
When a client receives the machine policy, a compliance assessment scan is scheduled to start randomly within the next two hours. When the scan is started, a Software Updates Client Agent process clears the scan history, submits a request to find the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) ...
Also, whenever you make an update to your privacy policy, all your users should be instantly informed about the changes. There are many smaller yet essential regulations of GDPR compliance, such as adherence to SSL, HTTPS, visibility to Terms and Conditions, and so on. Thus, working with an...
Attend Events and Webinars Conference Ignite 2025 Report Future of Policy & Compliance Management Guide How to Write Effective Policies View AllResources A team of Customer Success Managers who serve as your strategic point of contact with the company to ensure your ongoing success. ...
Lexipol is the only comprehensive policy development, training, and compliance solution for public safety agencies. Learn about our software and services here.
Edit a policy Configure more macOS software update settings using the Settings Catalog 显示另外 2 个 You can use Microsoft Intune to manage software updates for macOS devices that enrolled assupervised devices. This feature applies to: macOS 12 and later (supervised) ...
PowerDMS is software for managing your employees’ activities such as recruiting, training, and providing them with the resources to perform their duties effectively. It equips law enforcement, healthcare, and other critical agencies with the right policy documentation tools forregulatory compliance. ...
New-CMScCompliancePolicy New-CMSchedule New-CMScript New-CMSecondarySite New-CMSecurityScope New-CMSettingDeployment New-CMSiteSystemServer New-CMSoftwareCenterTabItem New-CMSoftwareMeteringRule New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoPhasedDeployment New-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment New-...
EN Log in Ensuring compliance with legal obligations (such as record keeping obligations), export control and customs, Business Partner compliance screening obligations (to prevent white-collar or money laundering crimes), and our policies or industry standards; and ...
SWUpdate was analyzed to be Open Source compliant. SeeOpen Source Compliancefor details. Contributing to the project Contributions are welcome ! You can submit your patches (or post questions regarding the project) to the Mailing List. Please read thecontributingchapter in the documentation how to ...