ATEM Mini能直接通过ATEM Software Control软件提供全面的摄影机控制。只需将Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera连接到ATEM Mini切换台就能获得全方位摄影机控制!所有控制通信都经由HDMI传输,无需额外设置。可控选项包括Tally灯、白平衡、ISO和快门,以及支持镜头上的光圈、对焦和变焦功能。除此之外,由于这款摄影机还内置DaVinc... ... -switchers My Biases: You NEED training. You NEED a desktop. You NEED a calibrated (non-computer) display. Julusian Posts:52 Joined:Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:36 pm Real Name:Julian Waller Re: Atem software download failure ...
ATEM Software Control下载方式:在Blackmagic Design的支持页面中选择“ATEM现场制作切换台”,找到左下方的ATEM Switch软件下载安装即可。其他使用说明请看视频~知识 设计·创意 直播 教程 经验分享 BlackmagicDesign ObserverQuinn 发消息 特困行业读博中。云上天镜SpaceLens直播技术系统负责人。
Blackmagic 3G-SDI Shield for Arduino Manual This manual provides information to assist you in building your own custom solutions for controlling Blackmagic Studio Cameras and URSA Mini. Technical support is available via the Software Development section of the Blackmagic Design Forum. ...
Blackmagic Design将在4月3日(周三)直播ATEM 切换台系列培训课程。本次培训课程主要讲解ATEM Software Control切换台控制面板推流设置以及ISO录制功能,欢迎大家报名参加! 报名方式(任选其一): 1. 扫描上方海报二维码报名。 2.报名链接: ...
1. Blackmagic Design ATEM Television Studio HD Live Production Switcher ► 2. Blackmagic Design UltraStudio Mini Recorder (Thunderbolt) ► 3. MacBook Pro Retina 2012 with GPU (For 2017 MacBook Pro with Thunderbolt 3 USB-C ports, you will...
Control application for Blackmagic Design ATEM video switchers openswitcher-proxy (0.10.0-1build2) [universe] Multi-protocol proxy for Blackmagic Design hardware opensysusers (0.7.3-4.1) [universe] processes sysusers.d directory to create system users opentracker (0.0~git20240622.c854b3d-2) [univer...
TYST Video Vmix Mini Switcher BDM Control Panel MIDI2.0 Video Recording Switchboard for OBS Ins TV Broadcasts pk blackmagicUSD 150.00-173.00/piece TYST TY-K1700HD Video Switcher,Guide Switching Station Control Panel,Support Controlling BMD ATEM 1 M/E Series and Vmix SoftwareUSD 600.00/piece TYST ...
Control application for Blackmagic Design ATEM video switchers openswitcher-proxy (0.10.0-1build1) [universe] Multi-protocol proxy for Blackmagic Design hardware opensysusers (0.7.3-2) [universe] processes sysusers.d directory to create system users opentracker (0.0~git20240622.c854b3d-2) [universe...
Blackmagic Design has released a software update to their ATEM video switcher control software, bringing it up to Version 8.5.1 As usual they have fixed some unspecified bugs and increased performance and stability of the software. For all ATEM Mini mode