Software as a service 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 Masorete,Masorite,masout,Masqat,masque,masquer,masquerade,masquerader,masques,masrite, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 mass production,mass spectrograph,mass spectrometer,mass spectrum,mass transportation,mass unit,Mass.,Massa,Massachusetts,...
as a Service. 從 用戶的角度來看,雲端運算包括三個層面:軟件即服務、平台即服務及基礎設 施即服務。 Software-as-a-serviceenables people to leverage that service solution and people provided by the vendor to really improve their business[......
软件即服务(英语:Software as a Service,缩写为 SaaS,发音:sæs或sɑs)有时被作为“即需即用软件”(即“一经要求,即可使用”)提及,它是一种软件交付模式。在这种交付模式中云端集中式托管软件及其相关的数据,软件仅需通过互联网,而不须通过安装即可使用。用户通常使用精简客户端经由一个网页浏览器来访问软件...
SaaS significa Software as a Service, uma modalidade onde uma aplicação ou solução tecnológica é vendida não como um produto fechado, mas como um serviço. Assim, o cliente não precisa instalar o software, apenas acessá-lo com uma conexão à Internet. Você querresultados i...
SaaS,是Software as a Service的简称,意为软件即服务。 从SaaS的英文全称中可以看出,SaaS是软件和服务合为一体的,本质上SaaS是一种服务,这是同传统的软件产品最大的区别。 SaaS,一般指面向企业端的软件产品服务,广义的SaaS也包含面向个人的软件产品服务。
Software as a service(SaaS) for the field of financial services, banking and insurance tmClass Inoltre, il "cloud computing" e il "software-as-a-service" si stanno ormai affermando come nuovi paradigmi dell'informatica. Furthermore, cloud computing andsoftware-as-a-serviceare emerging as the...
What is SaaS? Learn about Software as a Service (SaaS) and how the SaaS model helps you to use cloud based apps over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis.
SaaS是Software as a Service的缩写,意为软件即服务。SaaS是一种软件部署模式,第三方供应商在云基础设施上构建应用程序,并以订阅的形式,通过互联网向客户提供这些应用程序,不要求客户预先建设底层基础设施。这意味着软件可以在任何有互联网连接和网络浏览器的设备上访问,而不像传统软件那样只能在本地机器上安装。
Software as a Service (SaaS) Discussion Software as a Service (SaaS) is what most people mean when they say "the Cloud." SaaS provides a complete software solution. This software could be email management, calendaring, enterprise resouce planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), ...