soft_timer 介绍 使用硬件定时器作为时间基准, 可以分出多个软件定时器任务, 取代传统的标志位判断方式, 更优雅更便捷地管理程序的时间触发时序。 如果芯片是51内核时, 请切换到分支: 51-kernel API 初始化软件定时器 void soft_timer_init(void); 创建一个软件定时器 ...
A soft timer library for Arduino. Contribute to yehnan/SoftTimer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Druschel. Soft timers: Efficient microsecond software timer support for network processing. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, 18(3):197-228, Aug. 2000.M. Aron and P. Druschel, "Soft timers: efficient microsecond software timer support for network processing". ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 18(3...
OpenSCA CLI 是一款开源的软件成分分析工具,用来扫描项目的第三方开源组件依赖及漏洞信息。如何使用 了解详情 下载安装 OpenSCA-CLI: 访问,通过发行版(Release)下载对应系统架构最新的OpenSCA-Cli工具。 使用说明: ...
命令功能 显示软件定时器信息 命令格式 stimerdebug softtimer [Num] 参数说明 先[trace setdebugcpuid 2]切换到从端DSP去。 stimerdebug softtimer 1命令功能 命令格式 参数说明收藏 下载文档 更新时间:2022-07-14 文档编号:EDOC1100256033 浏览量:117166 下载量:225 平均得分:0.0 分 ...
Function software timer debug Format stimerdebug softtimer [Num] Usage Guidelines Use [trace setdebugcpuid 2] Switch to slave stimerdebug softtimer 1Function Format Usage GuidelinesFavorite Download Update Date:2022-07-14 Document ID:EDOC1100255963 Views:114325 Downloads:205 Average rating:0.0 ...
@@ -176,6 +176,10 @@ if RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT int "The stack size of timer thread" default 2048 if ARCH_CPU_64BIT default 512 config RT_USING_TIMER_ALL_SOFT bool "Set all timer as soft timer" default n endif config RT_USING_CPU_USAGE_TRACER 92 changes: 44 additions & 48 deletion...
This paper introduces the basic concept,trait and function of soft timer,and puts forward two kinds of realization:setting flag s and counting times.It also analyses the reason why soft timer bring big g er error when it meets the following two instances:timebase is short while running cycle...
To eliminate a program change or a change caused by interposing an operation by detecting the number of times for executing an instruction at a central processing unit(CPU), judging a reference time number value corresponding to calculated executing speed, and setting the value to a soft timer....
Definition Namespace: Android.Telephony Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Time in seconds after which the IKE session rekey procedure is started. C# [Android.Runtime.Register("KEY_IKE_REKEY_SOFT_TIMER_SEC_INT", ApiSince=31)]publicconststringKeyIkeRekeySoftTimerSecInt; ...