Softsoap 抗菌柠檬香液洗手液说明书 SOFTSOAP ANTIBACTERIAL LIQUID HAND SOAP FRESH CITRUS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label. ...
文档标签: SOFTSOAP LIQUID HAND SOAP JUICY MELON 系统标签: softsoap melon soap liquid juicy hand SOFTSOAPLIQUIDHANDSOAPUICYMELONCRISPCUCUMBERindustrialMaterialSafetyDataSheetconsumersconsumerusinformationregardingconsumerapplicationsproduct,referproductlabel.Version1.2RevisionDate10/04/2012PrintDate10/04/2012COMPANYID...