Given that they will be using your product, this is one of the most critical skills needed for software engineers. Software engineer skills: Patience As a software developer, you may have to attend customer or product meetings that don’t always comprise technical professionals. In this ...
Hard skills are the specific skills needed to be professionally competent in any given industry. In the software development sector, hard skills are mainly technical and necessary for software production and maintenance. Testing and debugging These processes are an integral part of softwar...
Soft skills consist of many traits such as communication skills, empathy, patience, teamwork, etc. So let’s look at seven top skills needed to be a software engineer. Skill 1: Teamwork and collaboration During your work as a software developer, it doesn't matter if you work offshore, fo...
《Soft Skills》 讲的也是些老生常谈的道理,但作者的写作风格不但不枯燥,更让人有共鸣。最近听《石头记》,石头诉说青春的不妥协和另外一端的“机关算尽太聪明”,而最后两者都落空。soft skills 算是机关算尽吗?我不知道,我只知道:你我皆凡人,活在人世间。 《Soft Skills - The software developer's ...
Free eBook Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual by John Sonmez across multiple file-formats including EPUB, DOC, and PDF.PDF: Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual ePub: Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual Doc: Soft Skills: The software developer's life...
今天看了《SOFT SKILLS The Software Developer's Life Manual》有感 从第四篇生产力开始看的,书中提到了专注,待续
Soft skills are essential to anyone, but in particular to people working in teams, something that you’re going to do in 99% of the jobs.Everyone has its own version of what are the best soft skills to have.I would mention those:body language empathy being open to new technologies you ...
I’m talking about being a good software developer in terms of managing your career, reaching your goals, and enjoying your life. John Z. Sonmez Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual is a unique guide, offering techniques and practices for a more satisfying life as a professional...
《Soft Skills: the software developer's life manual》 软技能:代码之外的生存指南,讲述程序员代码之外的生活