Soft stools or diarrhea in an otherwise healthy hamster may be an indication that he is being fed on to much sugar, or green vegetables.
Poop pro tip: Less than 3 times a week, you might be backed up. Diarrhea Tips Constipation & Diarrhea: What is the Connection? Constipation and diarrhea: two ends of the digestive spectrum with a twist. Did you know some suffer from constipation, and it can lead to overflow diarrhea?
We'd suggest that you back off on the raisins entirely and see if that helps. They're a treat and not mandatory for your chinchilla's health and may be the cause of the soft stool. They should be dry enough to sweep or vacuum and shouldn't be sticking to your chinchilla's fur. Wh...
Overall, his poops do seem firmer, and he seems to be scooting much less. We're still working up to the full dose. I like that they suggest working up to it, to give your dog time to adjust to the increased fiber. Note: You do need to keep this product refrigerated. ...
Dog poop solid then diarrhea Risk of parvo after first shot Puppy has diarrhea but seems fine© 2008 - 2018 Ask A Vet Question. The entire content of this website is copyrighted by Ask A Vet Question, owned by Dr. Marie Haynes and is not to be reproduced, copied or distributed without...