使用Azure 门户对 Azure VM 中的 SQL Server 进行软删除 使用Azure PowerShell 对 VM 中的 SQL Server 进行软删除 如何禁用软删除 后续步骤 Azure 备份现在为 Azure VM 中的 SQL Server 和 Azure VM 工作负荷中的 SAP HANA 提供软删除。 这是对已支持的Azure 虚拟机软删除方案的补充。
在和soft delete 对比下, hard delete 的一些特性被放大了. 1. 一旦执行了 delete, 数据就真的被删除了 (只能通过 SQL Backup, Log 才能回复) 2. Concurrency delete, 执行 delete 操作时, 通过 0 rows affected 判断是否并发. 3. Cascade delete, SQL Server 有自带的 cascade delete 功能, principal 被删...
Soft delete for SQL server in Azure VM and soft delete for SAP HANA in Azure VM workloads Lifecycle of a soft-deleted backup item This flow chart shows the different steps and states of a backup item when Soft Delete is enabled:
SQL Virtual Machine Standby Pool Storage Stream Analytics Subscriptions Support Synapse Tables Traffic Manager Video Search Visual Search Visual Studio VMware Solution by CloudSimple Voice Services Web PubSub Web Search Workloads OtherLearn Reference Compute Resource Management - Compute @azure/arm-comp...
SQL Virtual Machine Standby Pool Storage Stream Analytics Subscriptions Support Synapse Tables Traffic Manager Video Search Visual Search Visual Studio VMware Solution by CloudSimple Voice Services Web PubSub Web Search Workloads OtherLearn Reference Compute Resource Management - Compute @azure/arm-comp...
Soft Delete 应该要有 keep 30 days 这种概念. Azure, Google Cloud 大家都有这个概念 Delete 的时候要不要顺便记入 DeletedBy 呢? 会不会偏离去 Audit Trial 的职责了呢? EF 拦截 delete then change to update 还是 SQL Server 做 trigger instead of 呢?
Today, we present to you Mobile Services 2.0.2-Beta Android SDK. With this new release, we introduce two new Offline features: Incremental Sync and Soft Delete.
(new) Soft Delete (more on the feature and its usagehere) (improvement) Improve SQLite insert performance on pull (improvement) Purge no longer pushes, instead it throws an exception as user expects (bug) Local item deletion exception is handled properly according...
数据层应用组件(DAC)就是这样的一个工具:它让数据层对象(基本上就是数据库中所有的东西)写入和部署变得轻松起来。SP1包括了一个新的DAC Fx和DAC升级向导,这两个工具可以帮助SQL Server现有数据库架构进行升级,而且还支持微软新的云数据库平台SQL Azure。
Hi all, As per the Microsoft documentation, soft-delete of videos when migrated from Stream (Classic) to Stream (on SharePoint) should happen either...