然而,传统的Soft-nms算法仍然存在一些局限性,例如对于小目标的检测效果不佳,容易出现目标漏检的情况。 因此,本研究旨在改进Soft-nms算法,以提高手势识别和游戏AI对战系统的准确性和响应速度。具体而言,我们将引入一系列新的IoU(Intersection over Union)计算方法,包括GIoU(Generalized IoU)、DIoU(Distance IoU)、CIoU(C...
Soft NMS defpy_cpu_softnms(dets,sc,Nt=0.3,sigma=0.5,thresh=0.001,method=2):"""py_cpu_softnms:param dets: boexs 坐标矩阵 format [y1, x1, y2, x2]:param sc: 每个 boxes 对应的分数:param Nt: iou 交叠门限:param sigma: 使用 gaussian 函数的方差:param thresh: 最后的分数门限:param met...
# 降序排列 为NMS做准备 [43, 6]pred = pred[pred[:, 4].argsort(descending=True)]det_max = [] # 存放分数最高的框 即targetcls = pred[:, -1]for c in cls.unique(): # 对所有的种类(不重复)dc = pred[cls == c] # dc: 选出pred中所有类别是c的结果n = len(dc) # 有多少个类别...
CIoU、DIoU、GIoU、EIoU、SIoU、alpha IOU 等损失函数 支持更多 NMS NMS、Merge-NMS、DIoU-NMS、Soft-NMS、CIoU-NMS、DIoU-NMS、GIoU-NMS、EIoU-NMS、SIoU-NMS、Soft-SIoUNMS、Soft-CIoUNMS、Soft-DIoUNMS、Soft-EIoUNMS、Soft-GIoUNMS 等持续更新中 支持更多数据增强 Mosaic、Copy paste、Random affine(Rotat...
original YOLOv5 model, deepens the network model depth, better integrates shallow and deep features; replaces CIOU with SIOU, and considers the direction between the real frame and the predicted frame, and replaces soft-NMS with NMS, the weight function to solve the problem of missed detection...
(NMS) is employed to eliminate duplicate detections, thereby ensuring that only the most confident predictions are retained [50]. The CIoU loss function is also included in the Head of the YOLOv5 model, which provides a more precise evaluation of the overlap between predicted and ground truth ...
(F, tighuerreel5e)a.sIef wthaiss ofoclcluorwreedd wbyithreifnorthmeabtiuolnkoflfuthide p2:h1aisneclauwsiaoynfcroommptlhexe schoornwena.l Hsuorwfaecvee,rt,hief rreelleeaasseeowccausrfroeldloawdejadcebnyt rteof,oorrmianticoonnotafctthwe i2t:h1,itnhceluosciounlacrosmurpflaecxe,shthoewmn....