Here I took two methods namelysoftAssert()andhardAssert(). In thesoftAssert()method, I have used SoftAssert class and intentionally passing value false in the assertTrue() method to make it fail In thehardAssert()method, I simply used Assert and intentionally passing parameter value false in...
You need mocking tools and assertion libraries. If you’re a beginner, then you should avoid using Mocha as it requires in-depth knowledge. Price: Open Source 1.5 Angular Kickstart Today’s fast-paced society expects immediate solutions to problems, and Angular Kickstart is the perfect tool ...
2. Selenium When you talk about automation testing,Seleniumis the first name that comes to everyone’s mind. The testing framework has made a name for itself in web browser testing. The frameworks work well on various operating systems like iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, etc. What to expect f...
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