hard - dispassionate; "took a hard look"; "a hard bargainer"; 3. soft - (of sound) relatively low in volume; "soft voices"; "soft music" quiet - free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound; "a quiet audience at the concert"; "the room was dark and quiet" loud -...
丽声唱 ③-9-P29-32 “ayand “oy”Troy and Ray 82 2024-07 8 丽声唱 ③-10-P33-36 “owand “ou”Round and Round 72 2024-07 9 丽声唱 ③-11-P37-40 “K,Hard“c”and Soft“c” 73 2024-07 10 丽声唱 ③-12-P41 Silent handkKnock,Knock ...
【题目】一、用voice, noise 或 sound填空。1. The young mother told the story in a soft ___and th
soft - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh') hard - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum; "Russian distinguished be...
首先hard g的就代表的是读重音的g, Soft g就是读轻音的g,这里要提到的就是soft g的发音 是不常见的,只有在字母 i, e和y之前才读soft g,大家记住了吗? 接下来就让我们看一看和他们相关的重点单词: 首先第一个这只山羊戴了一副眼镜glasses; 山羊goat; ...
二、Hard C, Soft C 这一规律是关于区分字母C的两种发音:'c' 字母后接'a,o,u'的时候,字母'c' 发/k/的音, 叫做hard C sound,比如单词:Cookie 'c' 字母后接'i,e,y'的时候,字母c发/s/的音。叫做soft C sound.比如单词:Circle 下面是几个常用Hard C 和Soft C的例子,给孩子常看常新: ...
. A seven-time nominee at the 67th Annual GRAMMY Awards, Eilish was also nominated for Album Of The Year for HIT ME HARD AND SOFT. The 2025 GRAMMYs are raising funds for MusiCares Fire Relief, a dedicated campaign to support the people affected by the recent wildfires in the Greater Los...
A seven-time nominee at the 67th Annual GRAMMY Awards, Eilish was also nominated for Album Of The Year for HIT ME HARD AND SOFT.The 2025 GRAMMYs are raising funds for MusiCares Fire Relief, a dedicated campaign to support the people affected by the recent...
Soft rockorlight rock is really a subgenre ofpoprockwhich uses the techniques ofrockmusic(often combined with elements from folk music, brill building, baroque pop andfolk rock) to compose a softer, more toned-down sound. 软摇滚或轻摇滚是流行摇滚的一个子流派,它使用摇滚音乐的技巧,通常结合民谣...
Hard and soft c Of course, that also means that when we hear the /k/ sound and there is an i or e, we must use the letter k. This week we are going deeper into that lesson, and it helps us understand that why we have to use the k with the i or e. You see, when a c ...