近年来,全球化智库(CCG)在组织活动时一定要有女性声音,这不是为了政治正确,而是为了看到更多观点、力量、角度。当大家认识到自己的价值以后,也会有意识共同推进提升参与度。另外,我想谈谈”hard power“。通常人们会问女性是否平衡好了工作和生活,我觉得这个话题当然很好,但是当女性在一起时也要探讨很多核心议题...
社会不应该只有男性才能谈”hard power“,女性谈”soft power“,我觉得”hard power、soft power“都是男女应该共同去承担、参与的部分。 过去工业革命时代,大家更多要依赖体力,依赖流水线,男性逻辑性思维确实会是他们的优势,但是在今天的后工业时代,更多的是点对点的无线链接,女性在这方面是有优势的,我们很擅长同时...
James Whiston
英语新闻导读 On the thornier question of traditional hard power and the potential expansion of NATO, some believe that the allies have reason to feel bullish when they meet with the Russians on Wednesday 发布于 2022-01-09 16:12 力量举 ...
soft power 在retailer中表示零售商的软实力,比如文化程度、战略思想、坚持性等 hard power在retailer中表示零售商的硬实力,比如店面大小,可投入资金多少,人力物力等实际可见的东西
硬/软实力(Hard/soft power)(双语版) 2023-08-19 16:23:0005:00 32 所属专辑:政治和国际关系中的关键概念[英]安德鲁.海伍德 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 大国(Great power)(双语版) 402023-08 2 硬/软实力(Hard/soft power)(双语版) ...
TALLINN, May 12 (Xinhua) -- The European Union needs to mix "soft power" and "hard power" to defend regional security in the current challenging times, a top EU official said here on Friday. Speaking at the opening of the annual Lennart Meri Conference on foreign and security policy issue...
The European Union have since the signing of the Rome treaty in 1957, come to be a new superpower in the world, spreading the word of soft power through the economic and democratic cooperation in the pan-European continent. The theory of soft and hard power and the theory of diffusion of...
The professional skills in hard strength can be mastered through a certain period of time. However, the flexibility of "soft power" is very large, and it can not be learned overnight. Moreover, it is difficult to change the character of a person, so we must use "heart" to do "self ...
Achievement of the great goal of disarmament requires marshalling of soft power resources of international civil society, richly veined with a variety of professional and other civic groups. Like-minded States need to form diplomatic alliances to advance soft-power goals that are consistent with our ...