In English, there are two different sounds for theconsonants"c" and "g." A hard "g" sounds almost like a "k," as in the wordsgreat,good, andpig. A soft "g" sounds more like a "j," as in the wordslarge,general, andgiant. By contrast, a hard "c" sounds like a "k," as ...
Soft C,就是当字母C碰到e,i,y的时候,构成ce,ci,cy组合的时候,读/s/。 总结篇 当字母g,碰到e,i,y的时候,构成ge,gi,gy组合,通常会发Soft G Sound。 当字母C碰到e,i,y的时候,构成ce,ci,cy组合的时候,通常会读Soft C sound,读/s/。 The letter "c" has two sounds - a "hard" and a "sof...
丽声唱 ③-4-P12-14 “wh”Wheels and Whales 57 2024-07 3 丽声唱 ③-5-P15-17 “oo”Can Make Two Sounds 138 2024-07 4 丽声唱 ③-6-P18-21 “ng”Sing!Sing! 94 2024-07 5 丽声唱 ③-7-P22-24 “igh”Night Light 98 2024-07 ...
Find some decodable texts that target the hard and soft C sounds.Have students find all the hard C words and highlight them in one color, then find the soft C words and highlight them in a different color.Then read the words together....
soft - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh') hard - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum; "Russian distinguished be...
If you are working on learning hard and soft c sounds in words, you will love this free printable hard c and soft c game for first graders!
外部播放此歌曲> Let's Start Smart - Hard and Soft C 专辑:Alphabet and Letter Sounds CD & DVD 歌手:Let's Start Smart 还没有歌词哦
soft - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh') hard - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum; "Russian distinguished be...
Two G Sounds Grover and George. Show Video Lesson Phonics Soft G G before e, i or y. Show Video Lesson Hard and Soft C and G Show Video Lesson Learn the sound of the letters Learning Short Vowels Short Vowels Short AShort EShort I ...
(phonetics)not sounding hard, for example ‘c’ incityand ‘g’ ingeneraloppositehardTopicsLanguagec1 Word Origin Idioms have a soft spot for somebody/something (also Indian Englishhave a soft corner for somebody/something) (informal)to like somebody/something ...