Emperor Quon is the ruler of the kingdom of Wei-Ling, the husband of Empress Lin-Lin, and the father of Princess Jun and Prince Jin. Quon is a very concerned father who follows traditional Chinese culture, but is also shown to have a keen interest in new
This article is about the character from Sofia the First. For other characters, see Sofia. Princess Sofia is the titular protagonist of the Disney Jr. animated television series Sofia the First and Sofia the First: Royal Magic. She is a little girl with
Sofia the First Wiki 1 NameTeeny ShowsSofia the First GenderFemale AlignmentGood HomelandEnchancia RaceTroll FamilyGnarlie FriendsPrincess Sofia,King Roland II,Chief Gnuckles First Appeared"Let the Good Times Troll" VoiceZoe Robb is achild who's lived beneath Castle Enchancia in theher whole life...
Sofia's first day at Royal Prep.The next day, Sofia, James, and Amber take a flying coach to the Royal Preparatory Academy. There she meets the headmistresses: Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. Sofia asks them to teach her how to be a true princess by the day of her royal debut ball....
Sergeant Fizz is a Genie who appears in the Sofia the First episode "New Genie on the Block" as the leader and, until the end of the episode, sole member of the Genie Patrol. Sergeant Fizz is a by the book, no nonsense Genie cop. He follows all 204 Genie
Sofia the First: Ready to Be a Princess "A Royal Mess" "The Shy Princess" "Blue Ribbon Bunny" "The Princess Test" "Two to Tangu" Sofia the First: The Floating Palace "The Floating Palace" "Tri-Kingdom Picnic" "Finding Clover" "Make Way for Miss Nettle" Sofia the First: Holiday...
Sofia the First Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. View Mobile Site 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所述,点击下面的“同意”后,您将同意我们使用此类Cookie和技术。如果同意...
Electra (Sofia the First) Category:Elena of Avalor characters Princess Elena Elfonso Elfred Elliot, Amy, and Kurt Queen Emmaline Chancellor Esteban F Fa Mulan Category:Fauns and Satyrs Mrs. Fidget Wendell Fidget Sir Finnegan Sergeant Fizz Flinch Flip (Sofia the First) ...
Robin is a sentient robin, who is Mia's best friend and a minor character in the Disney Jr. series Sofia the First. Kind and guiding, Robin is the voice of reason among Sofia's animal friends and is very responsible. She sometimes engages Clover in duels
The first was in "Mom's the Word" and the second was in "Sofia the Second". This is also the third time trouble happens to Sofia because of a magical accident, the first time was in "When You Wish Upon a Well" when Amber turned her into a cat and the second time was in "...