Logo text Sofia the First is getting a second season. Disney Junior has renewed its animated series, which features Disney’s first little-girl princess, voiced by Modern Family’s Ariel Winter. Sofia airs on Disney Channel’s Disney Junior programming block targeted at preschoolers as well as...
Chloe Sappern and Lydia Berry launched the social-first firm, home to Sofia Richie Grainge, Miranda Kerr, Megan Roup, Serena Kerrigan, Kate Love, Emily DiDonato, Cameron Rogers, Liv Perez and more. Lifestyle News Jul 15, 2024 9:00 am By Chris Gardner Sofia Richie Grainge’s “Holy...
Disney's Sofia the First toddler size backpack. Send them off with an awesome top quality and durable Backpack by KBNL! Our backpacks and accessories feature today's popular characters and designs. KBNL backpacks are as practical as it is stylish and include the following features:Toddler Size...
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