This chapter presents the nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis, and methods of analysis of sodium valproate and valproic acid. Sodium valproate is sodium 2-propylpentanoate. It is also known as sodium dipropylacetic acid, sodium 2-propylvalerate, sodium dipropylacetate, sodium di-n-propyl...
英文别名: SodiuM Valproate/Valproic acid Mix中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB22708629 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质 安全信息 用途 供应商 1 SodiuM Valproate/Valproic acid Mix化学性质 安全信息SodiuM Valproate/Valproic acid Mix性质、用途与生产工艺 SodiuM Valproate/Valproic acid Mix ...
别名 [14C]-Sodium Valproate、Depakote ER、Divalproex + [14] 靶点 GABA receptor x Sodium channels 作用机制 GABA receptor激动剂(γ-氨基丁酸受体激动剂)、钠通道阻滞剂 治疗领域 神经系统疾病其他疾病 在研适应症 躁郁症偏头痛癫痫的复杂部分性发作+ [2] 非在研适应症 酒精相关疾病酗酒躁郁症1型+ [3] ...
生化机理 Divalproex Sodium, consisting of a compound of sodium valproate and valproic acid in a 1:1 molar relationship in an enteric coated form, is a HDAC inhibitor, used in the treatment for epilepsy. 储存温度 -20°C储存 运输条件 超低温冰袋运输 作用类型 抑制剂 作用机制 琥珀酸半醛脱...
There was no control group of mothers who had no history of epilepsy but within the population of women with epilepsy comparisons were made between different treatment groups (sodium valproate monotherapy, carbamazepine monotherapy and polytherapy). Differences between valproate and carbamazepine in the ...
Divalproex sodium is a stable co-ordination compound comprised of sodium valproate and valproic acid in a 1:1 molar relationship and formed during the partial neutralization of valproic acid with 0.5 equivalent of sodium hydroxide. Chemically it is designated as sodium hydrogen bis(2-propylpentanoate...
Valproic Acid ,sodium salt (Sodium valproate,2-Propylvaleric Acid) 丙戊酸钠盐 英文名称: 总访问: 78 国产/进口: 国产 半年访问: 48 产地/品牌: warbio沃博生物 产品类别: 生化试剂 规格: 25 G 最后更新: 2024-5-13 货号: IEP1021-0025G CAS 号: 1069-66-5 参考报价: 1920 立即询价 电话咨询 ...
The daily dose, combined use of carbapenems and liver drug enzyme inducer were related to the influence of the blood concentration of sodium valproate in patients with epilepsy factor. Although there was no significant difference in the compliance rate of different dosage forms, the compliance rate...
Divalproex sodium is a stable co-ordination compound comprised of sodium valproate and valproic acid in a 1:1 molar relationship and formed during the partial neutralization of valproic acid with 0.5 equivalent of sodium hydroxide. Chemically it is designated as sodium hydrogen bis(2-propylpentanoate...
钠丙戊酸钠 EP标准品 Sodium valproate价格:电议产品详情: 价格:电议 品牌:EP 产地:法国 丙戊酸 EP标准品 Valproic acid价格:电议产品详情: 价格:电议 品牌:EP 产地:法国 丙戊酸钠盐标准品 Valproic acid sodium salt相关供应商报价更多> 产品标题价格产地公司名称更新日期 ...