SECTION 14: Transport information UN number ADR/RID: 1823 IMDG: 1823 IATA: 1823 UN proper shipping name ADR/RID: SODIUM HYDROXIDE, SOLID IMDG: SODIUM HYDROXIDE, SOLID IATA: Sodium hydroxide, solid 14.3 Transport hazard class(es) ADR/RID: 8 IMDG: 8 IATA: 8 14.4 Packaging group ...
Sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) information, including chemical properties, structure, melting point, boiling point, density, formula, molecular weight, uses, prices, suppliers, SDS and more, available at Chemicalbook.
英文名称:Sodium Hydroxide Solution(氢氧化钠溶液),10N 运输:常温 保存:4-25℃ 有效期:2年 货期:1-3天 更多产品信息 10× SDS-PAGE Running Buffer 10×十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳液 RNA Hybridization Buffer without Formamide不含甲酰胺RNA杂交缓冲液 ...
常见问题与解答 客户支持 规格与描述 Normality6 ClassStandard ChemistryStandards FormLiquid Volume (mL)1000 PackagingPoly Bottle DOT InformationSODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION, 8 UN NumberUN1824 Shelf Life (days)745 Shelf Life (months)24 DescriptionSodium Hydroxide, 6.0N, 1L, Standardized ...
In addition, practical developers usually contain (1) an alkali (commonly a hydroxide or carbonate of sodium or potassium, or sodium metaborate or tetraborate) to adjust and maintain the hydrogen ion concentration (acidity or pH) to a value appropriate for sufficient development activity; (2) an...
规格与说明 评论 常见问题与解答 客户支持 规格与描述 ClassSolution ChemistrySolutions FormLiquid Volume (mL)1000 PackagingPoly Bottle DOT InformationSODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION, 8 UN NumberUN1824 Shelf Life (days)1110 Shelf Life (months)36 DescriptionSodium Hydroxide, 8.4% (w/w), 1L, Volumetric ...
sodium hydroxide A sodium oxide B 7646-69-7 sodium hydride Conditions ConditionsYield in system NaOH-K-Na-KOH; In neat (no solvent) at 400°C in a closed Ni-tube;; In neat (no solvent) at 400°C in a closed Ni-tube;; 7440-23-5 sodium 74-86-2 acetylene 7646-...
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) Sodium Hydroxide (Sigma# S5881) Sodium Thiocyanate (NaSCN) (Sigma# 251410) Spermidine (Sigma# S0266) SYBR® Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (10,000 × Concentrate in DMSO) (Invitrogen/Life Technologies# S-11494) Trizma® Base (Sigma# T6066) Triton™ X-100 ...
/Sodium hypochlorite diluted/|Eau de Labarraque; Clorox; Dazzle /aq soln/|Strongly alkaline soln of sodium hypochlorite; 100 ml contains 5.68 g active chlorine, 7.8 g sodium hydroxide, 32 g sodium bicarbonate. /Sodium hypochlorite soln, alkaline/|For more Formulations/Preparations (Complete) data...
Other production waste containing sodium sulfide, sodium sulfite, sulfur and sodium hydroxide can also be used, after appropriate treatment to get the product. The above information is edited by Yan Yanyong of Chemicalbook. Physical properties Sodium thiosulfate has two forms as anhydrous sodium ...