When you prepare food at home, you can keep sodium content low from kitchen to table. Here are some ways to do this. Cook from scratch instead of using pre-packaged or processed ingredients Rinse canned beans before using them in recipes ...
As the garlic essential oil content of composite film material was 4 渭L/100 m L, the coated strawberry had the best quality during the storage.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.14.040Kang MingliGu JinjunGuo XiaoleiTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering...
(containing 0.9%–1.2% salt), such as Swiss and fresh Mozzarella, are not expected to be salty such that a high salt content may detract or even prevent the development of the desired flavor and cheese characteristics. The eyes in Swiss cheese result from the metabolism of lactate and ...
This can help reduce their sodium content by removing excess salt used in the canning process. Whole Grains Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat bread are nutritious sources of carbohydrates, fiber, and various minerals. Choosing them instead of refined grains helps to ...
In this context, an alternative to reduce the sodium content of food without using other substitutes would be to reduce the size of the sodium chloride crystals. A reduction of the salt particle size leads to an improvement of the saltiness perception in foods due to a faster dissolution of ...
S Anitha RaoLakkireddy SunithaB Nageshwar RaoJ Praveena NaikV Chandra ShekarSaudi Endodontic JournalRao SA, Sunitha L, Rao BN, Naik JP, Shekar VC. Efficacy of garlic extract and sodium hypochlorite on dental pulp dissolution: An in vitro study. Saudi Endod J. 2017; 7:36-9....
On the other hand, garlic showed strong antioxidant activity which neutralized oxidative stress condition in both mother and fetal liver of mice in Group III. Conclusion: Our findings indicated that Na3 AsO4 is a potential toxic metalloid that can cross placenta and garlic i...
We have investigated the effect of roasted garlic on a dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced intestinal permeability model in mice. Mice were divided into four diet groups: CON, DSS, RG (roasted garlic), andRG+Purple bamboo salt(RGP) in the AIN 93G diet for 3 weeks. All groups except ...
Garlic powder and salt were kept constant. After evaluating sensory results of eight different types of formulations, most preferred formulae was selected. The glutamic content of each ingredient as well as the most preferred product was measured using the ion exchange chromatography. Final product ...
However, garlic oil has a promising role in attenuating the obtained hazard effects of sodium nitrite by its high antioxidant properties which may eventually be related with the preservation of SOD activity and primary mitochondrial role against nitrite-induced neurotoxicity in rats.Hanaa...