Generic name: aspirin, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid [ AS-pir-in, SOE-dee-um-bye-KAR-bo-nate, SIT-rik-AS-id ] Brand name: Alka-Seltzer Drug class: SalicylatesMedically reviewed by Last updated on Apr 6, 2024.
Linzell JL, Peaker M 1971 Intracellular concentrations of sodium, potassium and chloride in the lactating mam- mary gland and their relation to the secretory mecha- nism. J Physiol 216:683-700Linzeil, J. L., and Peaker, M. Intracellular Concentrations of Sodium, Potassium and Chloride in ...
The solid pharmaceutical composition for dialysate containing sodium bicarbonate is a mixture of an agent A containing sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium acetate and acetic acid and an agent B containing sodium bicarbonate coated with sodium acetate. 展开 ...
T. Mucociliary transport in porcine trachea: differential effects of inhibiting chloride and bicarbonate secretion. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 304, L184–L190, doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00143.2012 (2013). 14. Jeong, J. H., Joo, N. S., Hwang, P. H. & Wine, J. J. Mucociliary...
Calcium Alginate Sodium hydroxide Sodium bicarbonate Sodium chloride Ethyl 2-(Chlorosulfonyl)acetate Glycine Alginic acid Sodium benzoate Sodium acetate Sodium formate Diclofenac sodium Folic acid Citric acid Sodium gluconate SODIUM ALGIN SULFATE Calcium lactate Sodium N-cyclohexylsulfamate MAGNESIUM ALGINATE...
INHALATION: Corrosive to mucous membranes continuous exposure may lead to perforation of nasal septum. EYES: Conjunctivitis and lacrimation. SKIN: Corrosive producing deep penetrating ulcers to exposed area. Slow to heal. INGESTION: Has a harsh metallic taste. May cause vertigo, thirst, abdominal pai...
Monitor fluid balance and serum electrolytes (including bicarbonate capacity ) regularly. Monitor cardiac status by ECG. Test the urine for proteins and cells to detect renal injury, and monitor serum concentration of borate. Metabolic acidosis may be treated with sodium bicarbonate. If shock develops...
whiletheproductionof sodiumcarbonateandammoniumchloridefertilizer,greatly improvestheutilizationrateofsalt,isforHou'ssodaprocess. ThemainchemicalreactionofalkalimethodandSoxhletmethod Hou'sSodatypeare:NaCl+CO2+NH3+H2O=NaHCO3+NH4Cl: NaHCO3(sodiumbicarbonate),solubleonlyinthiscondition, thesodiumbicarbonatedissolved...
Batistaet al[16]Brazil1Male56T2DMCOVID-19Empagliflozin5 d before eu-DKA onsetABG analysis, serum analysis, urine analysisRT-PCRTachypnea, tachycardiapH: 7.28; pCO2: 19 mmHg; HCO3: 8.9; base excess: 15.7Sodium: 132; potassium: 5.6; chloride: 99; glucose: 118; hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 7.2%...
Sodium salicylate may be prepared by the reaction, in aqueoussolution, by adding equal molar ratio of salicylic acidand sodium bicarbonate; evaporating to dryness yields thewhite salt. In solution, particularly in the presence of sodiumbicarbonate, the salt will darken on standing. This is the sal...