Effects of sodium chloride on tobacco plants. Flowers TJ,Flowers SA,Greenway H. Plant Cell and Environment . 1986FLOWERS TJ, SA FLOWERS, H GREENWAY 1986 Effects of sodium chloride on tobacco plants. Plant Cell Environ 9: 645-651Flower T J,Flower S A,Greenway H. Effects of sodium chloride...
hybrida, the effects of sodium chloride (NaCl) on their growth were investigated. Damage on the leaves and wilting of the plants in vitro were observed 14 days after the beginning of treatment with 5, 10, 20 and 30 mM NaCl. R. hybrida‘Kiss’ was more tolerant to increasing NaCl ...
Chloride ions Sodium in water is very often accompanied by chloride ions. Although an essential nutrient to crop growth, toxic levels of chlorine in water can restrict plant growth. Water chloride concentrations up to 70 ppm are safe for all plants. From 70 to 140 ppm chloride, sensitive plant...
Literature sources indicate that Sodium chloride is nonflammable. 4.3 Other Preventative Measures SRP: The scientific literature for the use of contact lenses in industry is conflicting. The benefit or detrimental effects of wearing contact lenses depend not only upon the substance, but also on factors...
due to the development of resistant strains of pathogens, groundwater contamination, and health risks to humans1,4. Species belonging to the genusAspergillusare among the most common fungal contaminants, being some of them pathogenic for plants and animals5. Among them,Aspergillus nigerandAspergillus...
Sodium chloride at up to 200 mol m 3 had little effect on oxygen uptake by either variety although cells of one variety were eventually killed by 600 mol m 3 NaCl. The results are discussed in relation to the value of tissue-culture in screening plants for resistance to salinity and to ...
Potassium, nitrogen, ammonium/nitrate ratio, and sodium chloride effects on wheat growthThe objectives of this project were to study the interactions among N, K+ and NaCl and the NH4+/NO3‐ ratio and their effect on vegetative and reproductive growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plants ...
The effects of three levels of salinity [0, 50, and 100 mM of sodium chloride (NaCl)] and the addition of potassium, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, manganese, and boron (K, Ca, N, P, Fe, Mn, and B) on seed germination and survival of Helianthus annuus L. plants grown in...
was used widely along railroads. It is flammable when dried on foliage, and many railroad fires occurred when sparks from coal-fired engines landed on sprayed plants. Sodium chloride (table salt) is an example of an herbicide that desiccates and disrupts a plant's osmotic balance. It has bee...
Salinity hazard based on the electrical conductivity (ECw) of irrigation water. ECw (dS m−1)Salinity hazard and management <0.75 Very low hazard; no detrimental effects on plants, and no salt accumulation in soil is expected. 0.75–1.5 Some; may be detrimental to sensitive crops, and ...