你可以使用电脑(或手机)的浏览器,访问以下链接,输入你的邮箱地址,旧密码和两次新密码后点击提交后即可。 https://gates.sodexonet.com/adfs/portal/updatepassword 注意:请不要直接在微信里操作。 2. 设置 MFA 多因素认证| Set MFA 集团信息安全团队引入了 MFA 多因素身份验证解决方案,用于保护共公司信息安全。当...
八、访问公司官网和内网 为了方便您快速访问公司的官网、内网等页面,建议您收藏Site Portal页面。 我们期待您的积极参与和贡献。如有任何疑问或需要进一步的帮助,请随时联系我们。 祝工作顺利!
"Sodexo Speak Up allows you to report any concerns regarding our responsible business conduct in a safe and confidential manner." Read the letter What to Expect in the Reporting Process Who can file a report? How can I file a report?
Text: If you are ready to scale your idea with a company of Sodexo’s vast reach, and you have considered our focus areas above, please apply through our portal. Once you have submitted your details, we will work with our partners, L Marks, to review your responses and see if you’re...
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SODEXO, world leader in Daily Life Quality Solutions...Isabel Daviu
Sodexo ist der für die Datenverarbeitung Verantwortliche, der die auf unseren verschiedenen Websites, Portalen, Anwendungen und Plattformen von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten personenbezogenen Daten erhebt und verarbeitet (nachfolgend als „unsere Seiten“ bezeichnet). Unsere Cookie-Richtlinie soll...
Through its partnership with the Social Value Portal Sodexo is able to measure and report on the social impact of its service delivery, setting annual social and added value targets that will be measured and reported on annually.
Our mission is to provide our customers with the most comprehensive, highest quality, sustainable fresh and frozen seafood program in the industry.Home| Products | Slade Gorton | Sustainability | Certification Copyright 2011-2025 All Rights Reserved....
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