SODA-D is a large-scale dataset tailored for small object detection in driving scenario, which is built on top of MVD dataset and owned data, where the former is a dataset dedicated to pixel-level understanding of street scenes, and the latter is mainly captured by onboard cameras and mobil...
(1) SODA-D数据集的特点 该SODA-D数据集继承了MVD(Mapillary Vistas Dataset)最卓越的优点之一:在地点、天气、时期、拍摄视角和场景方面具有丰富多样性,如图9所示。此外,SODA-D的图像具有非常高的分辨率和高质量,这非常适合小目标检测任务。值得注意的是,该数据集也设置了Ignore Regions来更好地检验一个模型的效果。
西北工业大学小目标检测数据集SODA-D 文件列表 Images.z01 Images.z02 Images.z03 Images.z04 Images.z05 Images.z06 (8.71M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time test.json 40491551 2022-12-15 19:33:20 train.json 62530918 2022-12-15 20:54:20 val.json 2592...
2020/11/18 04:24 SODA数据集,该数据集包含的变量:温度(temp)、盐度(salt)、密度(prho)、纬向海流速度(u)、 经向海流速度(v)、纬向海表风应力(taux) 等。 分享在线分析 285.5 MB 该文件不支持预览或预览正在生成...
SODA:主要效应和交互效应选择的R包说明书 Package‘sodavis’October14,2022 Type Package Title SODA:Main and Interaction Effects Selection for Logistic Regression,Quadratic Discriminant and General Index Models Version1.2 Depends R(>=3.0.0),nnet,MASS,mvtnorm Date2018-05-12 Author Yang Li,Jun S....
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ void UNavSensor::OnPushDataset(soda::FActorDatasetData& Dataset) const double Latitude = 0; double Altitude = 0; if (ALevelState* LevelState = GetLevelState()) if (GetLevelState()) { LevelState->GetLLConverter().UE2LLA(WorldLoc, Longitude, Latitude, Altitude); Wo...
We rigorously tested the link between caffeinated soda intake and the neurocognitive functions by applying machine learning and hierarchical linear regression to a large dataset from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study ( N =3,966; age=9-10 years). The results showed that daily...