Washing Soda: What It Is And How To Use ItTo Clean Home And Laundry Washing soda, which is also known as laundry soda, soda crystals, or sal soda, is a common ingredient in many homemade cleaning products recipes, and also is commonly used as a laundry booster....
Have you ever tried cleaning with baking soda? Despite popular belief, you don't need harsh chemicals to get your home sparkling. Also known as bicarbonate of soda, it makes a great natural cleaner. Discover how easy it is to clean your bathroom, kitchen
Baking soda is a chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. It is a white crystalline (having crystals) powder. It is an antacid and was used in the past to relieve acid indigestion, a digestive problem where there is too much acid in the stomach. When there is too much acid, it cause...