Phase 2 of Season of Discovery raises the skill cap for professions to 225. That means you can now train professions to Expert level. Fewer trainers are able to train this skill level than Journeyman, so you may need some help locating the correct one to
AL["Level 40: Phase 2"] = "等級40: 階段 2" AL["Level 50: Phase 3"] = "等級50: 階段 3" AL["Set Items"] = "套裝" AL["Level 25 Raid"] = "等級25 團隊" AL["Level 40 Raid"] = "等級40 團隊" AL["Level 50 Raid"] = "等級50 團隊" AL["Level 50 Emerald Sets"] = "...
Phase 7 of Season of Discovery retains the 300 skill cap introduced in Phase 3 for professions, allowing players to max out all of their crafting and gathering skills in case they haven't already done so. For the Alchemy profession, that means you’ll be