I should be able to purchase pvp gear up to the highest rank character on my account. Economy is inflated: in phase 2, most items were less than 30g with mats being worth less than 1-2 g. Now you need gold for everything, and some items (like darkmoon cards) are worth 500g+. ...
Will pvp gear be gated behind future phases post lvl 60? Will we get tier .5 quests at the start of lvl 60? Will we get the updated dungeon loot from the old phase 5 at the start of lvl 60? I have a feeling even the devs don’t know the answers to any of this yet. Tinker...
So the SoD Maraudon Dungeon guide for a phase 3. We’re separate that guide for 2 parts. The obvious part, with a answers for the neophytes of Wow Classic, and professional tips, like: Where’s the entrance. What boss tactics. What are loot table (upgraded with new datamines for a...
yes Challenging at 26 which is a long cooldown , so we suffer from big pulls. Example. Yes it was only RFC , BUT if it was this bad in the first dungeon then I shudder at BFD raid. I had a Shammy , had to tell them to turn off RB , using totems consistently...
Here are some of the key features in Phase 7, but this is not complete and may be expanded as more content is announced. Naxxramas Raid: Underwent a huge overhaul, including updated Tier Sets and gear. Dungeon: Added a new dungeon called Karazhan Crypts. Scourge Invasion: Infected by ...
Cause the only information we’ve gotten from Blizzard is that in Phase 2 the 25 - 40 bracket they looking at making NPCs a little tougher to counter the power creep we will get at the end of Phase 1. Going off face value from everything we know currently in phase 1 looks generally ...
The new Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair are now live in SoD Phase 4! (Source) It's time to put on your fire resist gear to face Onyxia in her lair and Ragnaros, the fire lord, in the Molten Core. World Bosses Now Live Experience Lord Kazzak and Azuregos as brand...
Rune Engraving is a new system for Season of Discovery. It allows each class to tailor their gameplay experience by unlocking new unique abilities! In this guide you'll find all of the runes that are currently available for Warlocks in Phase 6 of SoD as
Rune Engraving is a new system for Season of Discovery. It allows each class to tailor their gameplay experience by unlocking new unique abilities! In this guide you'll find all of the runes that are currently available for Rogues in Phase 6 of SoD as we
Phase 2 of Season of Discovery raises the skill cap for professions to 225. That means you can now train professions to Expert level. Fewer trainers are able to train this skill level than Journeyman, so you may need some help locating the correct one to