By way of a conclusion, there is an exploration of the background and context to the trial itself, taking into account recent work on Athenian law, religion and punishment, closing with an attempt to explain the significance of the likely location of the law-court, within the Agora or city...
Something had gone wrong with the process of rebuking this distinguished gadfly, and now they would have to go through with the embarrassing act of taking his life. It would not have been difficult for Socrates to escape. His friends were eager to spirit him away to a safe island, and ...
But can we go so far as to say that in Plato’s Apology there is a word-for-word transcription (or something close to it) of the speech Socrates gave in his defense? It would not have been impossible for Plato to have managed such a feat by taking extensive notes, comparing his memo...
This book offers an introduction to Socrates, ideal for undergraduate students taking courses in Ancient and Greek Philosophy. Socrates is regarded as the founder of Western philosophical inquiry. Yet he left no writings and claimed to know 'nothing fine or worthy'. He spent his life perplexing ...
4. As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators ( ) taking up a musical instrument at a young age. 5. This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any ( ) . 6. My daughter was shy; she was af...
Teiresias in Athens: Socrates as Educator and the Kinship of Physis in Plato's Meno This paper seeks to steer a way between a dogmatic and a skeptical reading of the Meno by taking up the performative dimension of Socrates' responseto Meno... P Warnek - 《Epoché A Journal for the Hist...
Taking his cue from the realSocrates,Plato'searly dialogues largely deal with ethical issues. Socrates is pictured in conversation with friends and acquaintances, discussing matters of virtue, the good life, and education. He talks about courage with the old general Laches, prudence with the young...
On the day of the History exam, I went into the exam hall confidently. When the paper was sent to me, I dreamt of getting the highest mark in the whole grade and could not help smiling. “My History teacher always encouraged me to work hard and get better grades, but I let him dow...
“Paul says ‘whatever you do’—even down to such everyday things as taking a meal—do it in order to glorify God [1 Corinthians 10:31]. Apparently there are ways of using culture—our table manners, language, style of dress, way of working, how we drive our car and care for our...
In his writings Aristotle frequently attacked Socrates for taking the wrong approach to philosophy: "We must not limit our inquiry to knowing what is virtue is, but extend it to how it is to be produced." He accused Socrates of failing to distinguish between practical questions and theoretical...