Although Heraclitus was unpopular in his time and despised by later biographers, his main contribution was his understanding of the formal unity of the world of experience. In modern times, Hegel was inspired by his thought in developing the theory of becoming deeply. Heraclitus’ phrases “It is...
1 Biography 1.1 The Socratic Problem 1.2 Life 1.3 Trial and Death 2 Philosophy 2.1 Socratic method 2.2 Philosophical beliefs 2.2.1 Socratic Paradoxes 2.2.2 Knowledge 2.2.3 Virtue 2.2.4 Politics 2.2.5 Mysticism 3 Satirical playwrights Influenced ...
[3] Yet, the 'real' Socrates, likemany of the other Ancient philosophers, remains at bestenigmatic and at worst unknown.Contents1 Biography1.1 The Socratic Problem1.2 Life1.3 Trial and Death2 Philosophy2.1 Socratic method2.2 Philosophical beliefs2.2.1 Socratic Paradoxes2.2.2 Knowledge2.2.3 Virtue...
Alexander Polyhistor was a philosopher, geographer, and historian whose fragmentary writings provide valuable information on antiquarian and Jewish subjects. Imprisoned by the Romans in the war of the Roman general Sulla against King Mithradates VI of Po