Expert solutions for LV electrical networks: power control and safety, critical power, energy efficiency and solar power.
Socomec Group网站 Nous sommes un groupe industriel centenaire qui compte plus de 4 200 collaborateurs répartis dans 30 pays. Nous concevons, fabriquons et commercialisons des équipements électriques (interrupteurs, onduleurs, sectionneurs…) qui assurent la fiabilité et la maîtrise de l’é...
公司企业 Socomec Group Why join us? 总部 1 rue de Westhouse 67230 BENFELD FRANCE 公司盈利 6.8 亿至 13 亿(新元) 员工 1,001至5,000 行业性质 製造業 查找另一家公司 搜索
SOCOMEC has been designing, manufacturing and selling electrical equipment such as inverters, measuring stations, energy storage, switches, source switches... for over a century. With extensive expertise in critical applications (industry, infrastruct..
溯高美双电源切换开关说明书.pdf,SOCOMEC CHINA ATyS 6e 0 1 SOCOMEC GROUP SWITCHGEAR UPS SOCOMEC CHINA / 1 0 S.A. capital 10 956 600 C R.C. Strasbourg 548500 149 B 5523A BCD - E 1 Rue de Westhouse - B.P.10 - 67235 Benfeld : +86 21 5298 9555 8 Tel: +33 03 88
SOCOMEC溯高美:需要通信软件吗? 在电网故障情况UPS的提供备用电能。然而,这种备用电量可能无法全部覆盖较长的边界,你可能来不及正确的关闭文件和IT系统。本地视图通信软件就是为在备用电池耗尽之前自动执行所有必要的操作来关闭系统而设计的。本地视图还提供与您的UPS系统远程通信: ...
SOCOMEC溯高美:完全可视熔断器 SOCOMEC溯高美:完全可视熔断器 根据环境标准IEC 60-947-1,主要有以下2条: 5.1:产品标识,应该明确规定设备的位置。 7.1.6:指示触点的位置
全称:Socomec。 公司介绍 Our client is an industrial group with the control and protection of low voltage electrical networks. 展开 信息为全网搜索整合加工而来,可能并不精确,仅供参考。 信息有误?认领后修改 你是否在找 找客户:搜索行业标签 外企代表处 ...
SOCOMEC Group is an independent manufacturer specialising in the distribution, control and quality of power supplies serving low-voltage electrical networks, industry and the services sector. Created in 1922, the industrial group has developed two business areas: Solutions for control and power (Load ... WHICH BREAKER IS RIGHT FOR MY MACHINE? HOME | EVENTS | USED BREAKERS | RESELLERS | CONTACT US | LINKS | VIDEOS DMS Medium-Light Duty Breaker | MDO Medium-Heavy Duty BreakerPDO Series Crusher | SBV Series Screening Bucket HOME ENTERPRISING EUROPA is pleased to anno...