1.使用homebrew安装privoxy,但安装时报错: https://juejin.cn/post/6961616069941264415 homebrew 执行 brew update 报错 Error:homebrew-coreis a shallow clone.To `brew update`, first run:git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch --unshallowThis command maytake a few minutes...
socksParentProxy=“″ socksProxyType=socks5 proxyAddress="::0"# both IPv4 and IPv6# or IPv4 only# proxyAddress = ""proxyPort=8123运行: $ sudo polipo-c/etc/polipo/config 使用 # http/httpshttp_proxy=http://localhost:8123 apt-get updatehttp_proxy=http://localhost:81...
2. 配置 Docker 使用privoxy提供的 HTTP 代理 接下来,你需要将 Docker 配置为使用privoxy提供的 HTTP 代理。默认情况下,privoxy在端口8118监听 HTTP 请求。 配置Docker 代理: 创建或编辑 Docker 的守护进程配置文件/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf: sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker...
proxy= socks5:// 这样最基本的设置就可以用了,运行cow.exe ,在IE的代理中设置一下http代理测试一下是否可以正常使用了
Simple tool to plumb http proxy requests through a socks5 proxy. NOTE: this is a little rough. Known issues: We use most of the default settings for net/http.Client, so things like following redirects on the server-side will happen, which is probably not The Right Thing. Also, I just...
socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, "localhost", 9050) socket.socket = socks.socksocket # 连接到目标服务器 target_host = "example.com" target_port = 80 with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect((target_host, target_port)) # 发送HTTP请求并接收...
An executable to convert SOCKS5 proxy into HTTP proxy - GitHub - KaranGauswami/socks-to-http-proxy: An executable to convert SOCKS5 proxy into HTTP proxy
git config --global --unset http.https://github.com.proxy git config --global --unset https.https://github.com.proxy 配置全局走代理 直接在.zshrc或者.bash_profile中加入以下代码,source之后,通过对应的方法即可快速开启或者关闭全局代理。 1
-- 开机启动 --><string>socksParentProxy=localhost:1080</string></array><!-- Set `ulimit -n 65536`. The default macOS limit is 256, that's not enough for Polipo (displays 'too many files open' errors). It seems like you have no reason to lower this limit (and unlikely will want ...
步骤一:选择一个情景模式【proxy】; 步骤二:选择 HTTP 或 Socks5 的代理协议,并输入爱加速客户端中展示的主机号和端口号; 步骤三:点击【应用选项】,保存并完成设置。 5、在 Edge 的插件栏点击 Proxy SwitchyOmega 插件,选择我们设置的情景模式 proxy。