Basic authentication for all protocols. Regex pattern file to route/block by hostname. SSL/TLS client/server support. Built-in encryption ciphers. (chacha20, aes-256-cfb, etc) Shadowsocks OTA (One-Time-Auth). SSR plugins. (http_simple, verify_simple, tls1.2_ticket_auth, etc) ...
Basic authentication support for all three protocols. Regex pattern file support to route/block by hostname matching. SSL connection support to prevent Man-In-The-Middle attack. Many ciphers support to keep communication securely. (chacha20, aes-256-cfb, etc) Shadowsocks OTA (One-Time-Auth) ex...
然而对于前两种方案,也可能存在一些问题(很少见):详见“Shadowoscks for OpenWRT 拾遗” 方案一: 在代理服务器上搭建DNS服务来解析国外网站,可用dnsmasq或者pdnsd,监听非53端口。 比如说服务器IP是:,dns服务端口是5050,那么,把ChinaDNS的上游服务器更改为:,,等待时间改为0,其...
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However, these techniques are fairly simple once you get the hang of them. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1 Question Can I knit 2 socks on 1 circular needle? wikiHow Staff Editor Staff Answer Yes, you can! You’ll need a long needle, so go for one that’s around 40 inches (100 cm)....
This repo is to store ACL file. Contribute to fuckgm/shadowsocksX-NG-R-ACL development by creating an account on GitHub.
scrapes with real browsers. This is pretty powerful, since you can scrape long and a lot of sites (Google has a hard time blocking real browsers). The argument of the flag--keyword-filemust be a file with keywords separated by newlines. So: For every google query one line. Easy, isnt...
Youtube频道: 联系邮箱 CentOS CentOS 7/8系统Shadowsocks/SS一键脚本,使用教程: CentOS 7/8系统ShadowsocksR/SSR一键脚本,使...