事实上,在NUMA架构下,CPU的概念从大到小依次是:Node、Socket、Core、Logical Processor。 随着多核技术的发展,我们将多个CPU封装在一起,这个封装一般被称为Socket. 也就是物理处理器插上的地方, 看起来像这样: Socket中的每个核心被称为Core。 为了进一步提升CPU的处理能力,Intel又引入了HT(Hyper-Threading,超线程...
事实上,在NUMA架构下,CPU的概念从大到小依次是:Node、Socket、Core、Logical Processor。 随着多核技术的发展,我们将多个CPU封装在一起,这个封装一般被称为Socket. 也就是物理处理器插上的地方, 看起来像这样: Socket中的每个核心被称为Core。 为了进一步提升CPU的处理能力,Intel又引入了HT(Hyper-Threading,超线程...
Of course it would still be better to have 2 dual-core processors than one, but even better would be to have a single quad-core. At the operating system level, a physical quad-core processor would be shown as a 4 cpu computer. But these would be 4 logical CPUs or non-physical L...
Logical Processors: 24 (this is what is displayed in Windows Task Manager) Cores: 24 Sockets/Processors: 2 NUMA nodes: 4 Processor Groups: 1Hope this explains the terms were using a bit. Oh yes, what about the term 'CPU'? Good question. We are seeing i...
of cores per socket=1 then each core will be taken out of 4 processor sockets(If you have so many that is). Depending on the physical processors you have and logical cores they contain + the packing ratio that you decide, you will have to modify these values. Hope i made it clear. ...
How to find number of actual processors present through command prompt How to find number of CPU and Cores/CPU in windows 2008 r2 how to find out what services are using domain admin account How to find out which hdd is \Device\Harddisk#\DR# ? how to find out which user create folder...
It was set to Logical by default. ESX was reporting 4 sockets, 3 cores per socket. Setting that setting to Physical it now reports 2 sockets, 6 cores per socket. BIOS 1.12. 14. RE: Wrong processor sockets count displayed 0 Recommend shaneschnell Posted Oct 07, 2010 07:47 PM Reply...
Cores: 64 Sockets/Processors: 8 NUMA nodes: 8 Processor Groups: 2 Let's compare that with a server having 2 brand new AMD Opteron 6174 where we look at: Logical Processors: 24 (this is what is displayed in Windows Task Manager) Cores: 24 Sockets/P...