2)act5的打孔任务. 对于set 物品而言,这任务可以赋予1s.当然已经有孔的就不能重复打了. 5 unique item 情况基本和set item一样,不再赘述了. 6 craft item Craft item类同于rare item的情况. 对于打孔公式的补充说明: 公式定义中会随机选择1~6孔(不论被打孔的物品是武器或防具) 选取这6种孔数的几率都是...
Many set andunique items also come with a pre-determined amount of sockets. It is possible for players to add sockets to an item via a variety of Horadric Cube recipes or by completing the first quest in Act V. + 可镶嵌的物品遍布在游戏中,可以用来打造非常强力的装备. 他们的显示颜色是灰色...
Sockets were introduced in The Burning Crusade and modeled after a similar concept using gems in Diablo II, though the method of replacing them is different.[1] The rune word system in the Diablo II expansion Lord of Destruction, which added additional bonuses if a particular set of runes was...