); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { AutoReconnectSocket autoReconnectSocket = new AutoReconnectSocket("localhost", 12345); autoReconnectSocket.connect(); // Example: Disconnect after 10 seconds try { Thread.sleep(10000); } cat...
After a while, it disconnects. I'm using Heroku's Redis server, which seems to drop connections after a few minutes, I think in an attempt to clean up stale connections. Before upgrading from 3.x.x, it would reconnect seamlessly. Now, all I see is this: ERROR redis: Redis error: ...
I am trying to figure out how to best reconnect after the socket connection in OPCClient closes in case of a physical connection error. What I am currently doing: Close the current Client session (clientSession.close()) Disconnect - opcC...
When a socket is disconnected either through an error or by software, and the socket is shutdown how do we reuse the same socket connection. "Reuse the socket address/memory"? In Linux there is a setsockop(sockert, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, opt,sizeof(opt)) What is t...
socket.on('disconnect', (reason) => { if(reason ==='io server disconnect') { // the disconnection was initiated by the server, you need to reconnect manually socket.connect(); } // else the socket will automatically try to reconnect ...
How can I prevent this loss of connection or at least automatically reconnect when it happens? I tried to listen to disconnect events but they are not triggered when the connection gets lost. TypeScript Copy const httpServer = createServer(app) export let io async function main() { ...
- (IBAction) reConnect{ int stat = [self connectServer:HOST_IP port:HOST_PORT]; switch (stat) { case SRV_CONNECT_SUC: [self showMessage:@"connect success"]; break; case SRV_CONNECTED: [self showMessage:@"It's connected,don't agian"]; ...
This can lead to spikes in traffic if the client takes a long time to reconnect so you need to code your client accordingly. Acknowledgments allow you to specify a callback which will be invoked when the other side acknowledges the message has been received. Broadcasting and multicasting (a ...