它将文件、 打印 和消息服务的 API (Application Programming Interface ,应用 程序接口) 转 换成通用 语言 ,如:Windows 系统中的服务器 消息块 (Server Message Block ,SMB ),实现对不同 操作 系统的 支持 。 典 型的网络应用有 WWW 服务、电子 邮件、文件传输、 虚拟终端 、分布式系统等。 在使用 OSI 的...
图 1.1 展示了通信协议、应用程序和主机和路由器中的套 接字 API (应用程序接口,Application Programming Interface )之间的关系,同时也展示了 数据流从一个应用程序到另一个应用程序的过程(使用 TCP 协议)。标记为 TCP,UDP 和 IP 的方框分别代表了这些协议的实现,它们通常驻留在主机的操作系统中。应用程序通过 ...
Basics of computer networks Intermediate in C languagePurposeThe Purpose of learning this course is to understand the various network layer, transport layer and application layer protocols and it also helps to design and implement the protocols using socking programming....
struct sockaddr_unc { short short char Qlg_Path_Name_T union { char sunc_family; sunc_format; sunc_zero[12]; sunc_qlg; unix[126]; Socket programming 11 wchar_t char* wchar_t* } }; wide[126]; p_unix; p_wide; sunc_path; Table 10. AF_UNIX_CCSID address structure Address ...
SOCKET programming(C语言 winsock) SOCKET programming : 1.client basic algorithm: (1)Find the address of the server (IP+PORT); (2)Using SOCKET call to create the socket ; (3)Get the local port number using CONNECT call ; (4)Connect the client socket to the socket of the server ;(...
Socket ProgrammingSrinidhi VaradarajanClient-server paradigmapplicationtransport network data link physicalapplicationtransport network data link physicalrequest replyApplication Layer Programming–Socket Interface. What is it?Socket Abstraction–––What do you need for socket communication ?––––Creating a ...
Copy from http://coding.debuntu.org/c-linux-socket-programming-tcp-simple-http-client #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <string.h> intcreate_tcp_socket(); ...
Socket-based communication is independent of a programming language used for implementing it. That means, a socket program written in Java language can communicate to a program written in non-Java (say C or C++) socket program. A server (program) runs on a specific computer and has a socket...
本书翻译自realpython网站上的文章教程Socket Programming in Python (Guide),由于原文很长,所以整理成了 Gitbook 方便阅读。你可以去首页下载PDF/Mobi/ePub格式文件或者在线阅读 原作者 Nathan Jennings 是 Real Python 教程团队的一员,他在很早之前就使用 C 语言开始了自己的编程生涯,但是最终发现了 Python,从 Web...
Client-Server TCP communication using Socket Programming in c (fun project) - GAURAV-DEEP01/Client-Server-Chat-TCP