Socket.IO client version: x.y.z Client let socket = io({ query: { roomId: last_part } }); Expected behavior Expect all clients to stay connected Platform: Device: CPU Name: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor CPU Speed: 3700MHz OS: Windows, Chrome/OBS Additional context I added...
/*client.js*/asyncfunctioninitialize(url){letdata =awaitfetch(url).json() updateStreamId(data.room_id);leteditor = createEditor(...);// Create an editor componentvarsocket = io(data.url, {path:"/clients/socketio/hubs/codestream", });return[socket, editor, data.room_id]; } ...
*/publicMap<String, SocketIOClient>getClientSocketAll(){returnsocketClients; }/** * 删除客户端 *@paramsessionId 客户端的id */publicvoidremoteClient(String sessionId){SocketIOClientoldSocketIOClient=socketClients.get(sessionId);if(oldSocketIOClient !=null) {try{//关闭客户端连接oldSocketIOClient...
我不确定下面的代码是否有效,但我认为通过使用 提供的 customHook,我们可以获得基于 redis 的多节点的 socket.handshake.session。我希望下面的代码有所帮助。// get all client in a room, clients) => { for (let i = 0, e = clients.length; ...
bConnected = false; break; } dos.writeUTF(talk); dos.flush(); } String talk = dis.readUTF(); System.out.println(talk); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } server端: import;
var io = require('')(http);app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');});io.on('connection', (socket) => { console.log('a user connected');});http.listen(3000, () => { console.log('listening on *:3000');});...
The toAll will emit a message to all connected clients including the current client $socket->toAll()->emit('hi', ['name'=>'Juan']); Acknowledgements Same with the socket io for nodejs, you just need to add a callable as the last argument in the emit ...
1、socket服务默认地址有/,前端建议使用 importiofrom''; npm链接地址如下: 你只需要在前端页面声明: constsocket=io('http://localhost:8999/?userId='+currentUserId); ...
GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, Int32) 返回数组中指定的Socket选项的值。 GetType() 获取当前实例的Type。 (继承自Object) IOControl(Int32, Byte[], Byte[]) 使用数字控制代码,为Socket设置低级操作模式。 IOControl(IOControlCode, Byte[], Byte[]) ...
/*client.js*/asyncfunctioninitialize(url){letdata =awaitfetch(url).json() updateStreamId(data.room_id);leteditor = createEditor(...);// Create an editor componentvarsocket = io(data.url, {path:"/clients/socketio/hubs/codestream", });return[socket, editor, data.room_id]; } ...