function中,可以有两个参数,第一个参数是用来接收服务端return的值,第二个参数是回调函数名(随便取) 如果服务端在emit中指定了callback,就比如上图,如果希望客户端收到消息后给服务端回传一个消息,触发服务端的callback即ack函数,则这第二个参数必须指定,否则不会触发 如果在服务端没有指定callback,但是在客户端...
socket.on中,第一个参数为通道的名字,第二个参数为一个函数function function中,可以有两个参数,第一个参数是用来接收服务端return的值,第二个参数是回调函数名(随便取) 如果服务端在emit中指定了callback,就比如上图,如果希望客户端收到消息后给服务端回传一个消息,触发服务端的callback即ack函数,则这第二...
on用来监听对应通道,emit向对应通道发送消息 socket.on中,第一个参数为通道的名字,第二个参数为一个函数function function中,可以有两个参数,第一个参数是用来接收服务端return的值,第二个参数是回调函数名(随便取) 如果服务端在emit中指定了callback,就比如上图,如果希望客户端收到消息后给服务端回传一个消息,...
callback(null,SECRETS[decodedToken.userId]); }, handshake:false })); Altering the value of the decoded token You can pass a function to change the value of the decoded token io.on( 'connection', socketIOJwt.authorize({ customDecoded:(decoded)=>{ ...
Begins an asynchronous request for a remote host connection. The host is specified by a host name and a port number. BeginDisconnect(Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous request to disconnect from a remote endpoint. BeginReceive(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback...
socketio.on 监听消息事件。on(event: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): void 参数 参数 类型 描述 event string 事件 callback function 回调函数 返回 类型 描述 void 无返回内容 样例// SocketIO API import socketio from 'pts/socketio'; ... = { token:'fgh' } }); WithextraHeaders This only works ifpollingtransport is enabled (which is the default). Custom headers will not be appended when usingwebsocketas the transport. This happens because the WebSocket handshake does not honor custom headers. (For backgroun...
如果是一个擅长Java技术栈的后端来说,netty-socketio(官方地址: star)的确是实现socketio服务的不二之选,这个项目由近几年比较火的redis官方推荐Java客户端连接工具redisson(11.6k star)作者(mrniko)于13年开发,已经有7年之久,已经处于事实上的停更状态,这给使用该项...
Is the new error Callback called multiple times logged on the same line as where the TypeError: cb is not a function was logged before? See in stacktraces that three last lines are equal, but other's are not. Furthermore, I put aconsole.log((new Error()).stack)deep in websocket and...
$socket->emit('hi',function() {//...}); Client socket.on('hi',(callback)=>{callback('hello');}); Assign a timeout to each emit: // timeout for 5 seconds$socket->timeout(5000)->emit('hi',function(bool$err) {if($err) {// the other side did not acknowledge the event in...