tmp=http_client.recv(1024) if tmp: data+=tmp else: breakprint(data.decode(“utf8”)) 返回如下: C:\Users\dolaemon_li\PycharmProjects\spider\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/dolaemon_li/PycharmProjects/spider/socket_test/ HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Server: Date: Sun, 03...
quote():假如URL的 name 或者 value 值中有『&』、『%』或者『=』等符号,就会有问题。所以URL中...
HTTP1.1的请求消息和响应消息都应支持Host头域,且请求消息中如果没有Host头域会报告一个错误(400 Bad Request)。 长连接,HTTP 1.1支持长连接(PersistentConnection)和请求的流水线(Pipelining)处理,在一个TCP连接上可以传送多个HTTP请求和响应,减少了建立和关闭连接的消耗和延迟,在HTTP1.1中默认开启Connection: keep-ali...
CONNECT HTTP/1.1协议中预留给能够将连接改为管道方式的代理服务器。 OPTIONS 允许客户端查看服务器的性能。 TRACE 回显服务器收到的请求,主要用于测试或诊断。 #响应码 200 OK //客户端请求成功 400 Bad Request //客户端请求有语法错误,不能被服务器所理解 401 Unauthorized //请求未经授权,这个状态代码必须和W...
"HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\nServer: GHost\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html\nContent-Length: 253\nExpires: Tue, 05 Jul 2022 01:42:17 GMT\nDate: Tue, 05 Jul 2022 01:42:17 GMT\nConnection: close\n\n<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>Invalid URL</TITLE>\n</HEAD><BODY>\n<H1>Inv...
INFO: - "POST / HTTP/1.1" 400 Bad Request https://localhost:5000/is not an accepted origin. INFO: ('', 42282) - "WebSocket /" 403 ...
HTTP它是属于TCP上层的协议,但是本身并无会话的特点,它是一个基于请求/响应模式的、无状态的协议,以一问一答的方式实现服务。即我们通常所说的Request/Response。 HTTPS:超文本传输安全协议(英语:Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure,缩写:HTTPS,常称为HTTP over TLS,HTTP over SSL或HTTP Secure)是一种通过计算机网...
RequestBody Response; HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Length: 484 ResponseBody This is how my request and response looks like. Wireshark didn't give me a lot of info except protocols and HTTP Bad request. Please suggest. Thank you
Summary We are trying to communicate with an nginx server running on an unix domain socket using request.get(). We consistently get the "400 Bad reqeuest error" from the server. The same request works fine with curl as well as http.reque...
I'm working on a Node.js application that uses for real-time communication and deploying it on Microsoft Azure. However, I'm encountering an error that I can't seem to resolve. Here's my detailed code Client-side code: import { io } from…