1482228512: New connection from on port 1883. 1482228512: Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting. MQTTNetworkConnect returns OK but as soon as MQTTConnect is called and the packet is sent by sendPacket the "Socket error on client , disconnecting" error happens. sendPacket...
I have setup mosquitto on docker using certificates to secure the connection. I have no username and password configured in mosquitto. I am using this code to connect my wemos d1 mini to mosquitto with pubsubclient. https://github.com/de...
10065错误是指域名 --> IP OK,但没有找到计算机。是在 有DNS 时,对方没有开机,也可能是网络故障 你可以试下在ClientSocket的OnError事件里面 把ErrorCode:=0;就不会报错了.
拔服务器端网线测试,客户端设置keep alive时,recv较快返回0, 先收到ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)错误码,其后都是ETIMEOUT。 2、an error returned from connect(), so it can only occur in a client (if a client is defined as the party that initiates the connection ECONNRESET: 1、在客户端服...
瑞友天翼提示Socket Error #10060 connection timed out...求高手指点 您好,1、那个程序有问题。。错误时说。连接超时2、程序关闭的时候没有断开连接和释放socket。然后服务器以为你还在用等你关闭后再打开的时候发现已经有链接。就没新建连接。而服务器等了这么长时间你
该异常在客户端和服务器均有可能发生。在抛出SocketExcepton:Connect reset by peer:Socket write error 后,假如再继续写数据则抛出该异常。前两个异常的解决方法是首先确保程序退出前关闭所有的网络连接,其次是要检测对方的关闭连接操作,发现对方 关闭连接后自己也要关闭该连接。
console.error('client send err: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }) }).catch((err: Object) => { console.log('connect failed ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); // 连接使用完毕后,主动关闭。取消相关事件的订阅。 tlsTwoWay.close().then(() => { console.log('close success'); }).catch((err...
(SO_REUSEADDR). Client applications usually need not callbind at all - connect will choose an unused port automatically. When bind is called with a wild-card address (involving ADDR_ANY), a WSAEADDRINUSE error could be delayed until the specific address is "committed." This could happen with...
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