socket错误码10035详解 1. 错误码10035的含义 socket错误码10035,在Windows操作系统中,表示“一个非阻塞套接字操作尝试在没有数据可读时读取数据,或者在没有数据可写时写入数据”(A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately)。简而言之,这个错误通常发生在非阻塞模式下,当尝试进行的读写操作...
Socket error 10092 – WINSOCK.DLL version out of range // winsock.dll版本超出范围 Socket error 10093 – Successful WSAStartup not yet performed //没有成功执行WSAStartup Socket error 10094 – Graceful shutdown in progress // 过程中平滑关闭 Socket error 11001 – Host not found // 主机没有找到 ...
Socket error 10058 - Cannot send after socket shutdown 由于以前的关闭调用,套接字在那个方向已经关闭,发送或接收数据的请求没有被接受。 Socket error 10060 - Connection timed out 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。 Socket error 10061 - Connection refused 由于目标计算...
The application has tried to determine the status of an overlapped operation which is not yet completed. Applications that use WSAGetOverlappedResult (with the fWait flag set to false) in a polling mode to determine when an overlapped operation has completed will get this error code until the op...
如果您需要确定连接的当前状态,请进行非阻止、零字节的 Send 调用。如果该调用成功返回或引发 WAEWOULDBLOCK 错误代码 (10035),则该套接字仍然处于连接状态;否则,该套接字不再处于连接状态。 但是,在试验中发现,这种处理方法在很多时候根本无效,尤其对发生在物理链路层上的问题,很多情况下无法检测出网络已经异常断开...
Does error10035 indicate a fault at the connect end and how can this be avoided.? If not, what is wrong at the Listen end? Are there any further levels of debug which I can use to understand this problem? void CStrategy2View:nClient() ...
throw socket.error [Errno 10035] os: window xp _set_state('connect') dispatching... queue empty preparing handler: <pyxmpp2.transport.TCPTransport object at 0x00F2C030> TCPHandler.prepare(): state: 'connect' _set_state('aborted') Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Documents an...
{bool blockingState=client.Blocking;try{byte[]tmp=newbyte[1];client.Blocking=false;client.Send(tmp,0,0);returntrue;}catch(SocketException e){// 产生 10035 == WSAEWOULDBLOCK 错误,说明被阻止了,但是还是连接的if(e.NativeErrorCode.Equals(10035))returnfalse;elsereturntrue;}finally{client.Blocking=...
WSAEWOULDBLOCK (10035) Resource temporarily unavailable. 此错误由在非阻塞套接字上不能立即完成的操作返回,例如,当套接字上没有排队数据可读时调用了recv()函数。此错误不是严重错误,相应操作应该稍后重试。对于在非阻塞SOCK_STREAM套接字上调用connect()函数来说,报告WSAEWOULDBLOCK是正常的,因为建立一个连接必须花费...
"OnSend failed with error 10035: A non-blocking operation could not be completed immediately"Here is my code of the OnSend function and the variable nTotalBytesSend is calculated by using GetLength() of the CFile class and its called before Sending any data to the server....