Sock.js Sock.js 是一个JavaScript库,为了应对很多浏览器不支持websocket协议问题。SockJ会自动对应websocket,如果websocket不可用,就会自动降为轮训的方式。 Stomp.js STOMP-Simple Text Oriented Message Protocol-面向消息的简单文本协议。Sockjs为websocket提供了备选方案,但是通信形式层级过低。Stompjs则增加了语义 WebSo...
websock js链接 1. 初始化initWebsock initWebsock(xuserId){if('WebSocket'inwindow){// websock地址this.socket=newWebSocket('wss://'+userId)}else{alert('暂不支持')}// 监听socket连接 监听socket错误信息this.socket.onerror=this.err...
import { HotsockClient } from "@hotsock/hotsock-js" Construct a client object Each client object manages a WebSocket connection to your Hotsock installation. This client can subscribe to any number of channels and fire callback functions when messages are received. The HotsockClient constructor ...
WebSocket 是一种基于 TCP 的网络协议。在 2009 年诞生,于 2011 年被 IETF 定为标准 RFC 6455 通信...
Public repository for GreenSock's JavaScript libraries like GSAP. See - Forks · cgarnier/GreenSock-JS
2.添加 在能被spring扫描到的包下即可 代码语言:javascript 复制 packagecom.baiying.kkw.util;importorg.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;importorg.springframework.messaging.simp.config.MessageBrokerRegistry;importorg.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.EnableWebMvc;import...
Click the green "Download GSAP" button at for more options. Most ad networks have it on their CDNs as well, so contact them for the appropriate URL(s). NPM npm install gsap The default (main) file is TweenMax which also includes TweenLite, TimelineLite, Timeli...
"require": { "bushbaby/expose-greensock-js": "dev-master" } Additionally, since greensock js doesn't have a composer.json, add the following snipped to the composer.json in your project root. "repositories": { "bushbaby-greensockjs": { "type": "package", "package": { "name": ...
public: publicHost, sockPath // broken in vue-cli - see workaround below }, publicPath, // ... configureWebpack: (cfg) => { // TEMPORARY workaround for and cfg.plugins.push({ apply: (com...
js constWebSocket=require('ws');constws=newWebSocket('ws://localhost:8765/');ws.on('open',()=>{console.log('WebSocket Client Connected');// 发送消息给服务器ws.send('Hello, server!');});ws.on('message',(message)=>{console.log(`Received message from server:${message}`);// 在这里...