Sock Monkey Stomp Give each child a new pair of men's' white socks. They put the socks on their bare feet and leave about 5" of extra room at their toes. On the word "go" the kids step on each others socks and try to make the sock come off. No hands can be used. The winner...
Amazon Associate “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Sock Monkey Resources Instructions Make A Sock Monkey Must Read! RED HEEL SOCK MONKEYS by Dee Linder Visit Sock Monkey Museum Sock Monkey Festival Get Sock Monkey Socks Look Inside! Inspiring Places to Visit Shannon’...
Introducing the Marcho Monkey Family. Yes, I made an entire monkey family out of different sizes of socks. I had baby monkeys, toddlers, teens, and adult monkeys. The picture below is the monkey family – there’s a daddy and mommy, a sister, a brother, a set of toddler triplets, and...