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Forrester upended the conventional thinking in management, redefined what growth means, and invented system dynamics. In this excerpt from The Age of Heretics, Art Kleiner describes how the MIT Sloan School professor did it.MIT Sloan Review
within the College of Arts and Sciences of Rutgers University’s Newark (New Jersey) Campus. 国际和平研究所设在罗格斯大学 纽瓦克(新泽西)校区艺术和科学学 院 的社会 学和 人类 学系。 [...] Sri Lanka; Ms. Ilze Trapenciere, Researcher, Institute of Ph...
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Medicine’s capacity to cure disease, reduce mortality, and prolong existence is a most palpable testimony to human beings’ success in controlling nature and transcending the limits of their own biology. In the past few decades, however, medical advent has attracted much doubt. Many argue that ...
Farrell (2009) uses “class-based” to describe this level of trust, but this term can be misunderstood as “social-class-based,” so instead “category-based” is used to refer to the trust between categories of agents. “The Notice by the Office of National Health and Family Planning Co...
This article examines popular fitness sports and home fitness software in China. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s theory of discipline, Norbert Elias’ study on civilization, and Jean Baudrillard’s study on the consumer society, the authors reveal the form
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