Myth of the Model Minority -the minority group within a culture who emulates the dominant group the closest will be the most successful Meritocracy -status based on accomplishments, not social characteristics Social Mobility -movement from one social bracket to another Class Consciousness Perception of...
A common theme in portrayals of the lower classes was that of the common people being drunk and debauched in taverns which suggested they were immoral, feckless and lazy. Such portrayals served to foster a kind of ‘myth of meritocracy’ – the idea that the poor were to blame for their ...
It spreads the ‘myth of meritocracy’ – Dragons Den and The Apprentice are two wonderful contemporary examples of this. The News often dismisses radical view points as extremist, dangerous or silly, and a conservative (ruling class) view of the world as normal. Negative portrayals of ethnic ...
Although the opportunistic meritocracy of the global marketplace has displaced earlier societal models, do older patterns of privilege still linger? (53 minutes)#10210 Social Processes - The State (Run time 53 min.) DVD $129.95 Winston Churchill said that democracy is "the worst system devised ...
In what ways does the class system support the myth of a pure meritocracy? Who is helped and who is hurt by this ideology? Using your sociological imagination, consider how a history of colonialism and/or imperialism and/or slavery residually affects a country’s system of stratification. Pleas...
“win-at-all-costs” mentality were stigmatized, while caring was valued. The organizing principal of meritocracy overshadowed gender-based divisions in both activity and status within the gym. Of course, the notion of meritocracy is founded upon, benefits from, and reinforces specific inequalities,...
Beliefthatthesystemisandshouldbe meritocratic often conceals privilege behind the myth of the self-made man. SAT and ACT tests Proponents of “meritocracy” advocate exclusive use of such tests. The text illustrates some issues of bias by the 50-point gender gap on the SAT (*p.574), a ...