这一部分主要是讨论个人与社会之间的关系,以及社会秩序是如何维持和抵制的,借鉴社会化、文化和身份以及权力、控制和抵抗等关键概念,学生将考虑个人与社会之间关系的对比观点,以及社会认同的变化,这可以与结构和人类机构以及社会变化和发展等关键概念联系起来。 研究方法 (methods of research) 这一部分学生将研究社会学...
The social construction of age 时代的社会结构 Theory and methods 理论与方法 The sociological perspective 社会学观点 Socialisation and the creation of social identity 社会化与社会身份的创造 Methods of research 研究方法 The relationship between theory and methods 理论与方法之间的关系 Education 教育 Educatio...
课程将提供以下核心课程供学生选择:social research methods; contemporary social thought; or economic sociology。以及一些选修课程:classical and contemporary social theory; political sociology; the sociology of economic life; culture and society; families in contemporary societies, gender and society; cities an...
考试前 2024-2025 CIE 考试局 1.熟悉课程内容 AS Level Paper 1: Socialisation, Identity and Methods of Research重点主题:社会化过程、身份和角色、研究方法。主要理论:功能主义、冲突理论、符号互动论。Paper 2: The Family重点主题:家庭结构、婚姻和家庭的变化、家庭的社会功能。主要理论:家庭的功能主...
申请社会学专业是要在动机信中明确自己的研究方向,研究方向是根据研究方法来区分的,社会学上就分为量化研究(quantitativeresearch)和定性研究(qualitative research)。然后,需要根据研究方法来选择导师。一般来说,北美的定量社会学比较发达,但欧洲社会学还保留了着定性分析的传统。作为一个母语非英语的研究者,与母语为...
Through research, sociologists are able to make statements of probability, or likelihood. Sociologists use percentages and rates. The mean is the same as an average. The median represents the midpoint in an array of values or scores. The mode is the most common value or score. Correlation and...
社会学导论 (Introduction to Sociology) 社会学理论(Sociology Theory) 研究方法 (Research Methods) 社会分层(Social Stratification) 异常行为(Deviance)少数群体(Minority Groups) 青少年犯罪(Juvenile Delinquency)社会问题(Social Problems)...
Research methods in sociology encompass a variety of techniques used by sociologists to study and understand social phenomena systematically. These methods enable researchers to gather empirical data, analyze patterns, and draw conclusions about the social world. Sociological research methods can be broadly...
2. Research Methods Quantitative Methods: Surveys, experiments, statistical analysis.Qualitative Methods: In-depth interviews, participant observation, content analysis.Research Design: Sampling methods, variables, hypothesis, data collection and analysis.Ethical Issues: Informed consen...