- indicates the roles or expectations we have for one another - we can occupy several of them at the same time ascribed status assigned to you, usually at birth without regard for your individuality; you have done nothing to have this, it is simply given to you ...
Folkway A rule that if you break it is a small thing like an eye roll More A thing that if you break you might get kicked out of a friend group. Law if you break you might get fined or arrested Socialization mixing socialy with someone Institutions The ways that help people meet ther...
sociology 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 the study of human society and social behavior between individuals 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 27 建立者 rmay255 2年前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Psyche 35個詞語 altapexaccnt69 預覽 Unit 1 (Quiz 2) 29個詞語 deleoam2 預覽 sales productivity use ...
Sociology The study of society and human behavior Verstehen To have insight into someone's situation Sociological perspective/ Verstehen focus Forcing us to look beyond the norms of our social world, encourage us to realize how individuals, groups , and organizations help us see patterns in the be...
a pattern or trait common to all societies a cultural universal is pluralistic society a society made up of many different groups is called a(n) culture what is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people?
History the study of the past Social Structure Pattern of social interactions Conformity Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard. Why do people conform? To please others Sociological Imagination the ability to see the link between society and self Who were the first...
Mothers and Fathers juggling be a parent while also having a job outside in the world that is not related to their kids. Ethnomethodology the study of the way people make sense of everyday surroundings Thomas Theorem situations that are defined as real are real in their consequences...
sociology is considered a science because sociologists engage in organized and systemic study of phenomena to enhance understanding. sociologists argue that, unlike knowledge, commonsense conclusions are unreliable Emile Durkheim's study of suicide related to suicide rates to the extent to which people we...
Functionalism society is a system of interrelated parts Functionalism Sociologist Auguste Comte Conflict Theory society is in struggle for scarce resources Conflict Theory Sociologist Karl Marx Symbolic Interactionism communication influences the way people's interactions with each other create our social world...
said sociology is the study of people "doing things together" because neither the individual nor society exist independently of one another. sociological perspective a way of taking a sociological approach or thinking sociologically about the world. society a group of people who shape their lives in...