Sociology Compass非常高兴邀请到吴晓刚教授与张卓妮博士共同担任负责社会分层领域的副主编(分部主编)。吴晓刚目前是上海纽约大学御风全球社会科学讲席教授。Sociology Compass副主编的主要职责是对该专业领域的评论文章进行约稿和审稿。Sociology Lens借此机会对吴教授进行了专访,谈了谈他的研究背景,以及他和张博士加入Sociology...
Space as a lens for teacher agency: A case study of three beginning teachers in England, UK Drawing on conceptualisations of space, we explored the ways three beginning teachers in England experienced and developed agency during the first three ye... EAC Rushton,A Bird - 《Curriculum Journal》...
Sociology Lens借此机会对吴教授进行了专访,谈了谈他的研究背景,以及他和张博士加入Sociology Compass编辑团队后对其社会分层领域未来发展的看法。 Q:请介绍一下您的学术背景以及如何进入社会学研究领域的? A: 我在中国人民大学和北京大学分别获得社会学学士和硕士学位,在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得社会学博士学位。在移居香港...
A theoretical perspective is a set of assumptions about reality that inform the questions we ask and the kinds of answers we arrive at as a result. In this sense, a theoretical perspective can be understood as a lens through which we look, serving to focus or distort what we see. It can...
In this paper, we present a third application for educational research – the investigation of teacher knowledge and practice as sociological phenomena. In addition to supporting scholarly research, we believe it can be a useful tool for illuminating the complexities of teaching that needs to be ...
I am a Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto. My major substantive interest is the sociological study of food. I see food as a lens for investigating questions that lie at the intersection of multiple areas like culture, politics, gender and the environment. Much of my work exa...
Culture is the entire way of life of a group of people, and it acts as a lens through which we view the world. Which of the following is an example of a taboo in American society? Incest The slogan "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is an example of: Moral holiday Although ...
Over the last 20 years, ageing has been studied through the lens of an active ageing perspective, which considers older adults as responsible for their own conditions. However, the COVID-19 health emergency has highlighted its limits. Drawing on a sample of semi-structured interviews – collec...
On the contrary, I am trying to bring them into view as a scene of immanent force, rather than leave them looking like dead effects imposed on an innocent world.[4] Throughout her career Katie has pushed the boundaries of academic discourse, exploring forms of writing that in her view ...
* Hillary Angelo (New York University) –“From the City as a Lens to Urbanization as a Way of Seeing: Refocusing Social Categories for an Urban Planet” * Jennifer Carlson (University of Toronto) –“Citizen-Protectors: Guns, Masculinity and Citizenship in an Age of Decline” ...