A case study of a given practice within the higher education system serves here as an illustration of the author's reflection on interrelations between sociological theory and research practice of critical discourse analysis, conceived as the incorporation of theory into research. T...
between feminist theory and the mainstream of sociological theorizing. for help, the editors turned to the work of dorothy e. smith, the renowned theoretician and methodologist. smith's theorizing today carries even greater ...
theory of human differentiation with the aim of viewing processes leading to reified memberships of human categories in an encompassing comparative approach. Differentiating humans distinguishes them perceptively, categorizes them lingually, shapes them physically, segregates them spatially, and subjects ...
The contributions in this volume highlight the value of sociological theorizing in various strands of criminological research. The chapters present concrete analyses and discussions of how sociological theory has been useful to the respective authors efforts in criminological research. Collectively, they aim...
2.So we describe the three characters of Pierre Bourdieu′ssociological theory.由此可以概括出其社会学理论的三个特征:一、思想渊源的广泛性;二、超越二元对立的实践理论;三、“反思性社会学”。 英文短句/例句 1.Sociological Theory and Social Research社会学理论与社会研究 ...
commentaries, written by some of the leading practitioners of criminological theory and research today. Among the theoretical traditions discussed in this book are a range of perspectives, including macro and micro models as well as theories of criminal behavior and perspectives of social control. The...
The contributions in this volume highlight the value of sociological theorizing in various strands of criminological research. The chapters present concrete analyses and discussions of how sociological theory has been useful to the respective authors efforts in criminological research. Collectively, they aim...
ReviewNLD20%similarity35 Estudios SociologicosMEX19%similarity36 American Sociologist, TheUSA19%similarity37 Social Science Computer ReviewUSA19%similarity38 Social NetworksNLD18%similarity39 Social Science JournalUSA18%similarity40 International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and PracticeGBR18...
《社会学理论》(Sociological Theory)是一本以SOCIOLOGY综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由SAGE出版商创刊于1983年,刊期4 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录。期刊聚焦SOCIOLOGY领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流的信息窗口与平台。该刊...
theory beliefs about migrants and immigration in contemporary Serbia through survey data from a nationally representative sample (N = 1199). Expanding on the Weberian theory of rationality, the study proposes that people’s values about national sovereignty, social conservatism, and religiosity ...