Empowering Resilience: Understanding the Sociological Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescent Social Anxiety in the Middle EastElsayed, WalaaSocial Space / Przestrzeń Spoeczna
For many of the participants who were interviewed during this stage of the pandemic, the unprecedented nature of the experiences of living through the first six months of the COVID crisis had provoked reflection on their way of life, their values and those of other Australians and people worldw...
Currently, research on the impact of misinformation on vaccine decision in the context of structural levels is limited. The purpose of our study was to qualitatively explore the effect of misinformation on Colorado residents’ COVID-19 vaccination beliefs. Colorado represents a number of structural ...
Contagion of Mutual Aid in the Philippines Most coverage of the COVID-19 crisis concentrates on the negative impact of the disease and government’s inadequate response, such as the dehumanizing effects of restriction and lockdown on citizens. Often hidden are the ways in which individuals, commun...
The COVID-19 pandemic is drawing more attention to loneliness and its negative effects due to lockdowns, physical distancing and self-isolation measures, as evidenced in themediaduring the past few months. While there isscant evidence to support claims of a ‘loneliness epidemic’(a narrative th...
The concept of spatiotemporal correlation, initially rooted in the domain of physics, has increasingly become of interest to scholars across various fields. This burgeoning interest is especially noted within the realm of human dynamics, where the examin
- The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on housing, living conditions, and people’s behavior in urban environments. - The role of residential and recreational functions in shaping healthy, inclusive, and resilient living environments in the context of a pandemic. ...
How is COVID-19 impacting social structures? What is a social constructionist approach useful for, and what are its limitations? What are social contexts? What socio-cultural factors contribute to the difference in rates of depression between men and women? What biological factors c...
territories structured around communities and lineages, the impact of monotheisms (mainly Christianity and Islam, depending on the origins of the families), and animist or magical survivals. Examples of this can be seen in the Gnawa rituals in Morocco [49] and possession practices such as tarantis...
The past 15 years represent an era of capitalism in crises. Phenomena like the global financial crisis (2007-2009), followed by the European sovereign debt crisis in 2010, major political occurrences such as the Brexit referendum (2016), or Covid-19, have challenged economic and political reali...