direct socioeconomic impacts of Coronavirus Disease 2019, influenza, influenza A (H1N1), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, tuberculosis and norovirus outbreaks include increased morbidity,
This paper measures the socioeconomic and resource-efficient influences of digital transformation in the public sector in the European region. To capture t
This study illustrated that the HDI and GDP told different stories on local performance in development at the county level. Translating the fast economic growth into an improvement in education and health relies on many other factors and our results seem to suggest that urbanization is one of ...
Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, and Bing Maps, has promised a new generation of information platforms and expanded the ways in which travel information can be accessed. However, we know little about the population who seeks tourism and recreation information through WebGIS. Therefore, the purpose of ...
travel motivation had a significant and positive influence on destination choice in Bangladesh. Therefore, it is recommended that the research creates awareness among prospective tourists, investigators, academicians, government authorities, tourism businesses, politicians and all the stakeholders. Hence, the...
tourism and tourism-supporting activities have become dominant in its economy. The local environment is a temperate rainforest, which became part of a National Park in 2005, at risk of wildfire impact and vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Forrest has a highly engaged community who are...
This manuscript aims to assess the environmental and socio-demographic factors that influence CES's use, identify multiple CES-related activities in use in different UGS, and understand the EDS perception. The specific objectives are to address the following questions: (i) which environmental and soc...
the travel and tourism sector had a negative impact on the country's economy. Hotels, restaurants, and tourist places were shut down. Construction services got stopped in the lockdown badly impacting workers and laborers. Whereas services like education and Information Technology (IT) continued in ...
and GeoparksTourism and Terroir—Discovering the Taste of a PlaceTourism AnthropologyTourism Image and Visitor's BehaviorTrends in Adventure TourismTrends in Mountain TourismVisiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) Travel in a Post-COVID WorldWhat Is New in Place Branding: Concepts, Issues, and ...
The data were collected primarily for the Catskill-Delaware Watershed region, as well as the five immediate watershed counties, New York State, the U.S., and two rural counties similar in population density to the Watershed to serve as comparison areas. This study analyzed demographic factors ...